Chapter 18

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Back in the New Castle medical and science facility, Irene was in her office going over some data on her laptop. Her injury was nearly fully healed as she no longer needed assistance to get around. As she carefully examined the numbers and readings she heard a knock on her office door.

"Come in." She said looking up over the laptop and removing her eye glasses.

Her colleague Moira McGregor came in.

"Good morning Lt." She greeted Irene and sat opposite her at Irene's desk.

"Good morning ma'am, what can I help you with." Irene asked.

"Oh, nothing I just came to tell you that your last missions intel and data was used to approve another operation in the south east."Moira said visibly pleased.

"What operation?" Irene asked, having not been included in the discussions.

"That's why I'm here, Lt., to fill you in. Command found the data provided enough evidence to conclude the airships crash was a direct result of an offensive attack, the attack was elementian in nature. We plan to send in a small force to find the threat and extract it." Moira said proudly.

"with all due respect I must object to this operation." Irene wasn't happy with the news.

"Lt, this was your data, your report." Moira replied.

"Yes, and I thought we agreed the data indicated the readings were not 100% elementian." Irene objected.

"Not 100%, correct. The % was enough to move forward in the end. I thought you'd be happy, your efforts might provide us with an actual elementian subject." Moira was confused by Irene's lack of enthusiasm.

"I am happy my work provided us with the data it did, but in my opinion I feel more research should have been conducted 1st. The area is very against us being there and I fear it's going to be a potentially hostile environment."

"Listen, we understand that. Who exactly drew 1st blood though. Did any grand personnel initiate any aggressive behavior while you were there or did they strike us in the back as we left peacefully?" Moira reminded Irene. "You lost Allies and you were injured yourself as a result of that attack. We aren't going there for war, but make no mistake we aren't going in there to make cupcakes either."

Irene nodded still not sold on the idea however.

"Command has offered you the role of Lead science officer for the operation as you have experience in the region, if you choose to accept of course." Moira said standing up from her seat. 

"I'll think about it. Thank you for your consideration ma'am." Irene saluted her.

"You have 72 hours to consider Lt." Moira saluted her back and excused herself from Irene's office.


A few days after Yeri and Eric had been rescued from the Chroma Desert, 

Yeri sat on the floor in the living room of Wendy's house. Her school books were sprawled out on the table as she carefully read from the text books and jotted notes down in a spiral notebook. It was quiet; peaceful as she had the house to herself. As she diligently studied, there was a knock on the door...

"It's open!" She called out continuing her note taking.

Footsteps entered the open door, the closed the door making the short trip to the nearby living room where Yeri was deep in her work.

"What if I was a criminal?" Eric said leaning against the entryway to the living room.

"Well, To be fair haven't you been arrested before?" Yeri looked up at him, asking about his past.

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