Chapter 11

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Off a long stretch of lonely highway west of Rust Valley, Kato sat in a small gas station diner table. Across from him sat another man dressed in a police uniform.

"When are you going to stop living this vigilante life and join law enforcement like your old friend here?" The officer smirked at Kato, stirring his coffee.

"When you propose to that nice rich girl you've been dating." Kato laughed.

The officers smirk quickly faded and the look on his face looked, disappointed.

"Yeah we are kind of, taking a break." He mumbled.

"Oh, Jae I'm sorry. I didn't know." Kato apologized.

"How could you I haven't told anyone. It's been over a month. Maybe 2." Officer Jae sighed and took a long sip from his cup.

"Im sure She'll come around." Kato tried to be positive for his friend

"She's all caught up in the idea that being a bounty hunter is what she wants to do. She Says law enforcement is too, restrictive." Jae chuckled and rubbed his forehead.

"Not all bounty hunters are lawless simpletons. I think I'm a decent example of that." Kato said proudly.

"I get that, I know of course I know. If there were no bounty hunters I think this world would be a lot more chaotic. There are some however that aren't on the side of justice." Jae vented.

"I mean that could be said about law enforcement as well. They aren't all good apples. And it's just as dangerous as for both of us out there." Kato made a valid point as Jae nodded in agreement.

"Speaking of good and bad apples. That's why I'm here. Our Local crime king pin is slowly taking over the city. He's got so many people on his payroll now he might as well be the mayor. Anyone not in on it is too afraid to do anything because the few bold enough to try disappear. Everyone just accepts it." Jae said frustrated.

"But not you." Kato said.

"You bet your ass not me." Jae slammed his palm on the table.

"Maybe it's not so bad she's not joining the department then. If it's as corrupt as you say I mean." Kato thought.

"Yeah, maybe... but anyway I didn't come here to whine about my ex, I came to ask for assistance in finding any kind of serious dirt on Amadopolis. He often employs random bounty hunters and mercenaries for more troublesome activities. I know it's a bit out of your normal operating area. I just need someone on the inside I can trust, someone capable of the task." Jae pleaded.

"You want me to start working for him and be an informant. Sounds risky if he's as corrupt as you say he is. I'm gonna have to think it over and discuss it with my crew. I can't make any promises right now." Kato told him hesitantly.

"Yea, I totally understand. Just reach out as soon as you have an answer. Thanks for coming out, it was good to see you again." Jae said reaching out for a hand shake as he stood up.

"You too man. Be careful out there. And if you ever wanna leave that law enforcing life behind, you know there's a place for you with me." Kato said giving Jae a tight hug.


When Kato returned to his HQ, he sat with Roadie to discuss the situation.

"So I met with my old friend Jae, and he's asking for my help with something big over in Queens. Apparently some corrupt businessman turned crime lord is sinking his hooks into every corner of the city. He wants to send someone he trusts undercover and be an informant." Kato explained briefly.

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