Chapter 15

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It was another sunny day in the ICC market. street vendors lined the square. a young woman with long dark hair worn half up walked down the street. The sun gleamed off a chrome studded baseball bat she propped on her shoulder.
she wore tight black leather pants and heeled knee high boots. a tight black tank top and an over shoulder fur accessory. she saw 2 men she recognized and waved them over.

"you 2 are late." she said tapping her foot as they jogged to her through the passers-by.

"yea, sorry. i guess its a habit we picked up from you." the shorter, rounder of the 2 men replied. he had thin eyes, so thin they barely looked open and tanned skin. next to him a taller, thinner man with equally thin eyes and tan skin stood.

"i'm never late. i arrive exactly when i'm supposed to. " she responded running her hand through her hair.

"just get on with the next bounty, whats your boy-toy got in store for us?" the tall one said impatiently.

"Slow your role Biggs.1st of all, i dont have any 'BOY TOYS' and second of all, this is job isnt even from him. it's not a bounty on a person." the young woman explained. "its on robots."

the 2 men looked at her a bit confused.

"okay, listen you dunces. Please be smart enough to know about Chroma out in the desert no one dares to go near because of the killer robots...the one that humans never return from? well thats where we need to go for our next job." she explained a bit more getting impatient with them.

"but.. Joy thats..." the short one tried to get a word in but she quickly shut him down.

"dont "b-b-b-but Joy" me, Wedge!" she snapped. "you want to sit around here and chase small town thieves the law is too busy to catch for some easy money?"

the 2 men looked at each other like they did in fact want easy money. Joy could see it on their faces.

"this isnt about money ok! if i wanted easy money id sit at home and just ask my sweet-but-push-over father for money" Joy continued to rant. "don't you want something more? something exciting, dangerous, adventurous? some thrills and stories to tell your grandchildren?"

"yea but we want to live to have grand children." they replied.

"you 2 are more spineless than i thought.... ANYWAY ill be back at home base. We need 'Big Red' ready. the bounty is on some robot parts and the reward for each part varies but we can walk away with well over 20000 credits a piece. or even more depending on the parts and how much we can find." she said starting to march off, leaving them behind.

the 2 men looked at each other for a brief moment.

"Well that is... a lot more than catching small fry bounties gets us in months.." the tall one, Biggs, reluctantly agitated

"but why did she mention the large reward, if it isnt supposed to be about the money?" the short one, Wedge replied.

"Who cares. the money sure is more important than any adventure mumbo-jumbo she was rambling about and do you think 2 misfits like us are ever going to have children to give us grand children?" Biggs asked Wedge who stayed silent.

"i didn't think so... come on." Biggs insisted as he followed after Joy. Wedge shrugged and waddled after them.

They walked back to their humble headquarters, a small garage where a large red van was parked.

Joy started gathering supplies to pack for their mission. Biggs loaded up the van with everything Joy had gathered while Wedge popped the vans hood to make sure it was in decent condition.

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