Chapter 2.5

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Road Dog stood outside at the back of Wendys garage. He held his hands over his eyes.

"no peeking!" Yeri shouted as she pushed Road Dogs motorcycle out towards him.

"i'm not peeking...but could you hurry the sun is killing me." he said in anticipation.

"Okay, open them, what do you think?" She asked him, eager to hear his response.

"Wow, kid I'm actually impressed. You did a great job. In fact I think I've seen my bike this clean since the day I first got her." Road Dog nodded his head in approval.

"Well, Wendy really helped me out a lot too, I can't take all the credit." Yeri admitted humbly.

"sure you can." he smirked.

"So are you going to see how it runs?" She asked and tossed him his helmet.

"Trying to get rid of me already,huh?" He joked. "How about you show me instead."

"Seriously?" She asked excitedly.

"Come on let's go." He tossed the helmet back at her.

"Have fun together you two, Roadie you keep an eye on her and don't keep her out too late. Byeeee~" Wendy said playfully as she peeked from inside the garage.

"Okay mom." Road dog said mocking her. 

Yeri strapped on the slightly too large helmet as Road Dog straddled the back of the bike. Yeri kick started the bike on her first try and carefully rode out into the streets of Rust Valley.

Though it was named Rust Valley, it was more appropriately a canyon. Much of the city was built on the lowest, or "ground" level, though there were also various homes and businesses built up along into tiers of the canyon wall. Yeri followed a road up to the second tier and parked at a small public park that overlooked the ground level below.

"Nice view. I never really took the time to appreciate it. Road dog said as he and Yeri came to sit at a bench under a small tree for shade.

"Yea, it's a nice place to come and just relax." Yeri said as she pulled the helmet off and fixed her hair. "So what did you think?"

"Oh yea, the bike. Well you didn't crash so... nice job." He said playfully pushing her.

"Very funny." She rolled her eyes.

"And the way you acted so surprised when I said you could ride it, like it was you first time. I think you could be an actress. It's so obvious you've been riding it while I was gone." He laughed.

"What, I haven't!" She tried to deny it but he just kept laughing. "Well okay a few times but just to see how the progress was coming. Plus you were gone so long serves you right. If you don't want me riding it come get it sooner." She stuck out her tongue.

"Okay okay, it's alright i trust you calm down... but seriously, how have you been? Life treating you okay out here?" He asked.

"Yea, Wendy and her parents really take care of me and treat me like their own daughter. They even helped me enroll in a few classes at an actual school. I'm in a smaller class and I don't go all day like others my age but it has helped me catch up and learn about life outside of Chroma. " Yeri explained.

"You seem like you're health and physical condition are great too." Road dog pointed out. "Out here riding motorcycles like a pro."

"Yes my last physical the doctor said I'm recovering at an impressive rate. Still not 100% though." Yeri added. "Though it is still hard sometimes."

"I can only imagine. But it's normal you'd feel that way. No one expects you to just be over it already." Road dog assured her.

"Life is so loud, and fast.... And BRIGHT out here. Sometimes I just have to sit in my room with all the lights off in silence. To like escape you know... but even then I start to think about all the people I left behind in Chroma. Like Hans. I don't even have anything to remember them by."

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