Prologues: Introduction - Y (Part 4)

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Yeri and Hans split up, with Hans looking to meet up with the Caravan and Yeri to try to find out about the people who blew up the food supply factory. Yeri was able to track down the group of men. She cautiously and patiently followed them from a safe distance until they came to a rest. Yeri watched them as best she could from the distance she was from them. The men set up a place to rest in a small building, Yeri found a small nook in an alley to sit and rest as well. all the exhaustion and energy spent from everything that happened leading up to this point had caught up to her. She would nod off, without planning to.

Yeri awoke with a peaceful yawn, followed by the harsh realization of sleeping on the hard ground. she rubbed the sore dull ache in her neck as she sat up. she felt around her for her crossbow, but she didnt feel it.

"looking for this, sleeping beauty?" an unfamiliar voice said and a quick panic came over yeri.
"did you have a nice sleep?"

Yeri looked up slowly and was greeted by what had to be one of the men she was following.

"we don't see too many people in this city wandering around anymore, and we see even less women. so where are you from girlie?" he asked crouching down

Yeri thought about a way to escape and subdue the man but decided a peaceful approach may be better to start with...

"you're not with those infected are you... you cant be .. looking way too healthy to be part of that unfortunate bunch." he added.

"why are you killing other humans and stealing their food?" Yeri asked a question of her own.

"stealing? we didn't steal anything we have plenty of food. as for the people we killed, consider it an act of mercy. they were infected with a sickness, a deadly one that is contagious no less. sadly these is no cure." the man told her.

"how can you be so sure there's no cure?" Yeri asked him.

"our doctors tried to cure it. nothing we have in our medical supplies works. we lost many to the sickness ourselves, and many more resources and people trying to save them. so, now, where are you from?" he asked Yeri again.

"from sector 5..." Yeri reluctantly admitted.

"5... we encountered droids but no people, admittedly we weren't up there for long." He told her, when an anger started to grow inside her. "what brings you down here?"

"we're in need of food since our supply was seemingly taken from us." Yeri said trying to hide her trembling voice.

"makes sense. we did hit that factory as well.. looks like we hit it just in time too because..." the man explained as Yeri clenched her teeth and her fist and threw it straight into the mans groin, causing him to let out a high pitched whine followed by some dry heaving.

"you!!! you did that?! we had people, children relying on that food!!" Yeri ranted. she took her crossbow from the man who tried to crawl away from her.

"you stupid... stupid...idiot!" yeri said following him as the man tried to crawl away

"you and your sick group of friends going around destroying peoples lives instead of helping them." Yeri kicked the man in the stomach, and he fell flat to the floor. "you better hope the food we salvaged from your little bomb operation lasts us long enough to keep us away from finding you and your people and if you and your people even think about coming near sector 5..." Yeri lifted her leg back and let a vicious soccer kick fly swiftly into the mans nether regions once more. a sickening lurch spilled from the mans mouth. Yeri left him dry heaving and writhing in pain.
"ill be taking this back." Yeri said swiping her crossbow from him.

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