Chapter 3

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   A small veil of dim sunshine crept through a curtain and rested on Yeris face. She squinted her eyes and through her blanket over her head. She tossed, turned and event grunted a bit before throwing the blankets off and slowly rose up. "stupid real sun ruining my sleep." she moaned as she wiggled herself out of bed and waddled down the hall. She showered and brushed her teeth, got herself dressed and fixed her hair. With more pep in her step she quietly walked to Wendys room and stuck her face into her room. Wendy was still asleep, snoring causing Yeri to snicker and head downstairs to the kitchen. She found a small note on the kitchen table, it was from Wendys parents.:

            "Good morning ladies, Another early morning for us so another small breakfast this morning. Biscuits again. Sorry, but if you are still hungry feel free to make something. Yeri have a great day at school and Wendy... try not to sleep all day. we know it's your day off but still.. try to exercise or something. Love you both and see you later." - Mom & Dad.

Yeri smiled and grabbed 2 fluffy biscuits, then her schoolbag and head out towards her school.
Yeri walked slowly, enjoying the passing of every light breeze. She always was observing the sights and the sounds as well.

when she arrived at school, the staff at the entrance greeted her and Yeri hurried to class. Her classmates, a small group of 7 other students were already there. Yeri scurried to her seat, hung her bag on the back of her chair and plopped herself down. Her classmates waved to her and she waved back as her teacher, a young female teacher entered the room.

"oh good youre all here early today. i hope you all had a good morning and we can start in a bit just let me get my self in order." she greeted them.

The teacher got her class started and Yeri listened to the lesson attentively. As the lesson progressed, Yeris attention drifted. Her gaze now fixed on the window to the world outside. Her school sat on the second tier of Rust Valley and she watched the people on the ground level go about their day. People shopping, walking dogs, seemingly everyday things that Yeri was not accustomed to. Yeri watched as a man on a motorcycle casually rode down the street below...

"Yeri, Yeri is everything okay?" Her teacher asked softly noticing Yeri's attention was elsewhere.

"Oh, sorry Ma'am. Yea I'm just.... I...." Yeri replied startled.

"Am I going too fast, or if you have questions please let me know."  The teacher reminded her.

" no, I mean I think I'm just ... feeling off. I just want some fresh air." Yeri said flustered.

"Yes, I understand. Of course." The teacher told her and excused Yeri from the class. 

Yeri walked to the end of the hallway and out the double doors. She took a few deep breaths and paused for a few moments. Instead of returning to class, Yeri decided she was going back home.


On that same morning, An exhausted Road Dog slowly rolled out of his bed. He walked across his dark, dusty room and pushed open the large steel door. He made his way to a washroom and quickly rinsed his body off before returning to his room to get dressed. After dressing he walked into a large open room, the common area of where he and his crew lived together. From the upper floor he looked down into the area with a large yawn that echoed back to him.

"It's never this quiet in here, where is everyone?" He thought to himself as he walked down the metal grated stairs to the main level.

"Well well, look who's finally awake. Kato is already out, pickin up a few supplies, since you're prob'ly wondering' where he is." Dingo said greeting RoadDog.

"Yeah, I stayed in rust valley at Wendys longer than I should have." RoadDog said stretching the last of the morning grogginess out.

"Oh yea? We should call you Sly dog." Dingo winked.

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