Chapter 5

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 Wendy, Billy and his brother Bart drove out to Sojourn City, which was just a few hours north east from Rust Valley. Sojourn City was similar to Rust Valley as it was a community located along the mountain region surrounding the Chroma Desert. Sojourn was a much smaller town and more rural. Billy slowly drove through the quiet town. He pointed up to the mountains that overlooked Sojourn. A rather large radio dish could be seen.

"I bet that's the dish. Let's find this radio station and touch base with this Tor guy." Billy said as they continued into Sojourn City.

As they drove through the streets they noticed the town was pretty quiet. Billy pulled up outside a small brick building. Sojourn Radio was posted on a sign above the main entrance. The trio got out of the car, stretched out their tired, cramped bodies and went inside. Looking around the interior, the radio station was in a deteriorating condition.

"Hello? Anybody home?" Billy shouted as his voice echoed down a dimly lit hall. A young woman poked her head out of one of the doorways in the hall.

"I'm sorry, I'm coming! She said surprised by their presence and quickly trotted down the hall to the service desk. "Welcome to Sojourn Radio Headquarters, how may I help you this morning?"

"Well, we're looking for a guy Named Tor... said the radio tower is in need of fixing." Billy explained.

"Oh. Tor. Unfortunately Mr. Tor hasn't been employed with us for many years. He has since been operating his own broadcasts from his private residence on the edge of town." The woman kindly informed them.

"I see. You wouldn't happen to know a more specific address or directions would ya?" Billy asked.

"Just head south on the main road, til you see some water towers. From the water towers head left on the next crossroad and take that road down a ways til you see his trailer." She smiled. 

"Great. Thanks so much, have a good day." Billy said with a quick wave.

"Of course, glad to help. thanks for visiting Sojourn Radio." She said as they departed.

"Doesn't anyone else think it's odd that we are about to fix a radio tower for a guy who doesn't even work for the radio station?" Wendy asked.

"Well did you see that place? I felt like if I leaned on a wall or even sneezed too hard the whole building might collapse. Maybe he's just a generous fan of the station." Bart suggested.

"This whole town is odd, and a dump. It's sad to see it like this. We can find out what's going on once we finally find this Tor guy." Billy sighed.

They reached the long dirt road that seemingly lead to no where until finally they spotted a lone trailer in the distance. As they drove closer they observed the trailer and a large portion of the surrounding area was encompassed by a shabby chicken wire fence. Some signs were also posted, warning trespassers to keep away.

"This guy must like his privacy." Bart said as he got out of the back seat.

"Just keep your eyes open. I don't feel like getting shot by a crazy hermit today." Billy said quietly. "You might want to wait here, just in case." He told Wendy, signaling her to stay behind the car.

Bart and Billy walked through the gate onto the property cautiously. After walking a few yards, a loud air horn blared and 3 automated turrets that were hidden in some shrubs revealed themselves and fixated on the 2 defenseless brothers.

"Stop where you are! One step closer and you will be identified as trespassers and shot" a voice from a loudspeaker rang out.

"Woah woah woah now! Wait just a damn minute. You put out flyers asking for help and when help shows up you gun them down like this?" Billy shouted drawing a pistol and starting to back track. Bart also pulled out a sawed off shotgun from his large trench coat.

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