Chapter 16

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darkness, complete darkness and a slight burning sensation. the darkness turned a mixture of yellow and pink... as Joy opened her eyes. the sun beamed down on her face, a face covered in sand. she brushed the sand off of her the best she could, it was every where. Her forehead stung, from the wound she suffered while being chased... then it hit her, she was still alive and not seriously injured. But how? she wondered. the answer was all around her. Joy realized she was in some sort of shallow sink hole under the rock formation she saw last night. the droid must have lost track of her. she crawled up the incline, out of the hole carefully, and poked her head out to see if it was safe. other than the rising heat, there was nothing around. Joy stood up and dusted herself off one more time. she looked around for her belongings she dropped the night before, but she couldn't remember which direction she came from. Her footsteps in the sand were covered by the winds shifting the sands.  she left the glow-stick to be a marker but in the daylight, that idea was no longer a good one plus the fact that it had most likely lost most of its luminosity. she had no idea how long she had been unconscious either, if Biggs and wedge had been looking for her.. and with no supplies, things weren't looking too good. Joy thought of heading back to camp but didn't recall which way she came. she decided her best bet was to just head towards the mountain rim, she decided on a direction in which the ring looked closest. Joy picked up part of an old droid shell to use as shade from the sun. it was a bit heavy, but it had a reflective coating to counteract some of the sun beating down on her. Joy started her journey back to the rim and on the way She came to a large dune in the sand and began to climb it and when she reached the top, she had a pretty great view of everything around her, most importantly was the discovery of strange black building. It was very out of place, a random lone building out in the middle of the desert. What really got her attention however was what looked like various vehicles parked outside the building. Joy immediately made her mind to go towards the tower, not hesitating to get to a way out of the desert.. Joy took the droids armor shell she used for shade and placed it on the dune and used it as a sled to quickly slide down before darting toward the tower which was a few hundred yards away.

As she got nearer, she was able to tell none of the vehicles were Big Red, as much as she hoped Biggs and Wedge could have been there, she had no reason to not be hopeful this was her way out of being abandoned in the wasteland. Joy sprinted all the way to the tower, never stopping to think that there was danger awaiting her. she crashed to her knees to catch her breath arriving at the tower, she slid the droid shell off her back.

"hello? anyone... is there somebody, ANYbody here?" Joy shouted between breaths.
she slowly stood up and looked around, but no one was there. she walked to the vehicles, all looked to be in decent condition and there were what appeared foot prints in the sand leading to the tower. the wind moving the sand made it hard to be totally certain but Joy was sure these vehicles were driven here very recently and not left here to rot. She went to the back of one of the larger cargo trucks. the wheels were almost as big as Joy and it was well built for rugged terrain. she went to open the back doors and swung them open to have a look inside. Joys eyes lit up like suns as the doors opened. Inside were various rare droid parts, bags, barrels and boxes filled. Joys eyes welled with tears of excitement. She went to check the other trucks and they also had some parts. 

Joys thinking shifted from looking for assistance and needing rescue, to taking as much as she could and rescuing herself. She took what looked to be most valuable and carried what she could to a smaller truck in the front of the line of the parked vehicles and threw the parts inside. 

"I might not be able to carry as much in this truck which is a shame but Dont know how to operate that larger cargo truck." She thought to herself  as she loaded as quickly as she could. After topping it off she got in the drivers seat and inside the truck on the passenger side, she found a bag of food, and a container of water. inside the bag was a sandwich with some meat and cheese. Joy stopped to eat, and hydrate when she saw a shadow on the sand nearby. she looked up to the sky, shielding her eyes from the sun to see what looked like a droid high in the air, patrolling near the tower. Joy quickly shoved the rest of the food in her mouth.

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