Chapter 8

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"Absolutely Not." Road Dog said dramatically. He sat at a table with his crew. Billy, Bart, Kato, Eric, Dingo and Coyote.

"Care to elaborate on your choice. Give us a reason?" Billy asked him.

"As if you need one. You don't even like the girl so I don't see why me not wanting her on the team needs to be explained to you." Road Dog rolled his eyes.

"I don't NOT like her, I'm indifferent. I don't like the fact that you act like an ass because of her. Like you found this enlightenment and are all honorable or whatever." Billy Scoffed.

"Yeah if it's gonna make you 2 start bickering like children again then yeah it's a no for me too." Dingo snickered.

"I can't believe we're even considering bringing a teenage girl into the fold. She's in high school! She's a damn innocent kid." Road dog protested.

"What's wrong with bringing a girl into the fold?" A female voice echoed from upstairs.

"Oooo you done did it now." Dingo laughed.

A woman with long red hair pulled back in a ponytail looked down on the men below.

"You have a problem with women on the team?" The fiery red head asked glaring at Road Dog.

"No, no Boss, not at all. I mean how could I have a problem with women on the team when I work for one. I mean our friend Wendy is basically part of the crew.. it's just this girl... is just a girl. She's not one of us, what purpose could she serve. She'd just be ... someone we'd have to support. I don't think she's ready to support herself the way we do." Road Dog clarified cautiously.

"So, this girl... this innocent girl just wants to get involved in our lifestyle on a whim?" The red headed 'Boss' asked.

"No. She's just confused. She thinks it's what she wants." Road dog sighed.

"She doesn't have anyone else. She's on her own like I was. Road dog saved her from dying. Wendy took her in and now that Wendy's family is suffering she just wants to step up. She has no family of her own. We are all she knows." Eric shared his opinion.

"Again, we aren't baby sitters. We are friends but we can't support her.' Road dog said .

"Well, I can say if anyone has Yeris best interest in mind, it's Road Dog. You can use Billy's attitude towards their relationship as proof. Road dog goes through great lengths to ensure she's comfortable and happy even if it may not be in our groups best interest. And as much as some may hate to admit, that is commendable, as he rescued her and took on a responsibility that he really didn't have to. However he has a point. Is Yeri really capable of being part of this life. Should she be part of this life? Road dog doesn't think so." Kato explained.

"I just honestly can't believe we are sitting here and considering it." Road dog hit his forehead on the table in genuine disbelief.

"To be fair we thought you'd be into it cuz you're close. You know figured we'd hear your thoughts." Bart replied to Roadie.

"No! no! Why would I want that? I do what I do and act like i act to distance her from seeing the truth in what I do. The truth about who we are. She's a good innocent kid who deserves a good, safe , innocent life. We are NOT good innocent people and we can't offer her a safe or innocent life. So no. It's a no for me. If Wendy's folks can't live off the insurance money or can't afford to support Yeri I'll do what I can to make sure she finds another place. But since you all thought seriously considering her enough to have this little pow-wow, and even Fox had to get involved let's just go along with the charade. Should Yeri be a member of the crew. It all comes down to will she be useful, what can she bring to the table, what role will she serve, will her presence contribute to our effort, our profit. And honestly she can't do anything for us." Road dog stated. He knocked his fist on the table.

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