Chapter 29

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Road Dog stood in front of the refrigerator, door wide open. He held a cardboard orange juice container and took a few gulps straight from it. Yeri walked in on him, looking on a bit grossed out.

"Wasn't that for everyone?" She asked.

"It sure is" he held out the juice for her to have some. She reluctantly took it from him and put it close to her lips.

"Don't worry the only lips it's touched are mine." He winked playfully.

"That's so reassuring" she groaned back at him with an eye roll.

"As far as I know anyway" he whispered as she too, drank from the carton. She quickly stopped and started to feign gagging.

"You're a jerk you know that, who knows what kind of germs you dirty boys have. Especially Dingo. He's nice but .. his hygiene is lacking." Yeri frantically slammed the carton down on the counter and wiped her lips with a nearby towel.

"Then I guess The only cooties worth getting are Eric's" Roadie took the carton and pushed it towards Yeris face. 

"Eww nasty, I swear if I get sick I'm coming for you!" She pushed the orange juice away from her.

"Drink our juice, become one of us! One of us!" One of us." Road dog said in a rhythmic chant as he attempted to get Yeri to drink.

"You're crazy!" She laughed knocking the carton out of his hand and into the sink.

"Nice, avoiding the cooties and the mess." Roadie noted... "or did you! The cooties from that carton are now engrained on my lips and you will have them!"

He playfully made over exaggerated kissy faces at her.

"Goodness what did you eat for breakfast? You're acting like a freak!" She said squirming to get free.

"Actually I haven't eaten yet, what are you making?" He said seriously, dropping his over dramatic act instantly. Yeri just stared at him like she was trying to burn a hole through his face.

"You should be cooking for me." She said pushing her finger into his chest.

Eric and Billy came into the kitchen area, seeing Roadie standing closely over Yeri, hands on the counter around her.

Roadie and Yeri quickly stiffened up and Roadie stepped back away from her. Billy just turned and walked to the pantry, as if he saw nothing. Eric however looked a little a tad concerned.

"Good morning... what's happening in here?" He asked them

"Nothing nothing, just deciding on what's for breakfast." Yeri smiled.

"I say we hit the deli, plus we need orange juice." Roadie added.

"Great. The deli it is. Bacon egg and cheeses all around?" Yeri suggested.

"I'm lactose intolerant." Billy chuckled.

"Ok then you get nothing." Yeri quipped. " Come on Eric, why don't we go get it." Yeri said leading Eric by the arm. He didn't even have time to ask anything else before she whisked him away.

"She's quick as a whip." Billy said rummaging through the pantry.

"The kid? Oh yeah. She's a real firecracker." Roadie agreed.

"Something going on with you two there? None of my business so feel free to not answer." Billy asked pulling a box of crackers out of the pantry.

"What do you mean? Just messin around. You know I feel responsible for her, she's like a sister to me." Roadie shook his head dismissively.

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