Chapter 21

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A Grand Military transport airship flew across the sky. Inside, Grand personnel waited to arrive at their destination. It hovered in place before beginning a slow descent to the ground below. After it safely landed, the Grand Airships cargo ramp lowered to the floor and a few jeeps and flatbed trucks drove down the ramp. They drove a few more miles to another destination and began to unload the trucks and build a makeshift base of operations.

The highly disciplined troops quickly set up the camp in barely any time. Inside a tent labeled Science Data Center, Irene sorted out the equipment, setting up her space how she would be able to work comfortably. While she arranged her belongings, she was joined by a bulky, middle aged man who seemed to barely fit into his uniform. He removed his cover and he had a typical short crew cut. 

"Good Afternoon, Lt." He said making his presence known. Irene turned to see him, and saluted him as she realized who it was.

"Good afternoon Captain, I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in," she stood at attention.

"At ease. It's Lt. Bae, Irene if my intel was correct. I only ask because we had another science advisor assigned to us but it was changed to you last minute. Just came to officially meet you, I didn't get a chance on the flight over. I'm overseeing the operation. I'm Captain Hellenbrand." He  stuck out his hand for a handshake.

"Thank you, Sir. Yes I'm Lt Bae. nice to be working with you." Irene shook his hand respectfully.

"So, why the last minute change in assignment. If you don't mind me asking." He said while offering to help her set up.

"Well the position was offered to me about 2 months ago but I declined to join the operation due to the well.. overall nature of it." Irene admitted.

"Well, nothing in terms of how we are carrying out this operation has changed, so.. I guess that's why I'm curious about why you came along." He chuckled.

"This is a delicate situation. I think our presence, being militaristic scares the locals. I think the locals are key to getting access to what we need." Irene kept it simple.

"I agree. Marching in, demanding things isn't going to win us many friends out here. This area in particular is very anti-grand. I assure you any weaponry is for our safety. I have no intention of offensive actions. Our main purpose is to help your team gather intel and possibly even find an elementian." He explained.

"And if I'm right, if the data indicates an actual elementian is indeed in this area. What follows?" Irene asked.

"We extract the target as peacefully as possible." He smiled, though it was not a very assuring smile. "So, whatever you need, you let us know. This is a science operation and you're the senior science officer."

"Thank you, I will begin surveying the map and have a plan in motion for first light tomorrow." Irene informed him.

"Very well I'll be looking forward to it. Nice meeting you Lt." He said as they saluted each other and he exited Irene's tent.

Irene finished hooking up all her computer equipment and her work station was nearly complete. She looked over the map of the area and looked over the data from her previous operation...

The next morning Irene had a report ready. She brought it to Capt. Hellenbrand.

"Our first objective should be to revisit the locations I marked on the map. Those locations are where we set up scanning modules on our last mission. We can see if any of the equipment is still there, still functioning and if it is we reconfigure it to our current base of operations network.   Unfortunately we can not access them remotely from here. If any equipment is in need of a replacement, we do that. But those locations are great for triangulating the energy readings in the area. It will determine the most accurate location of any possible elementian activity." Irene summarized the first steps.

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