Chapter 12

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The sun was already high in the sky on another  clear day. Yeri fixed herself a bowl of bland sugarless cereal, the only thing she could find in the pantry. As she forced herself to eat spoonful after spoonful, Wendy let herself into Road Dog and Company's home. She stood in the doorway to the main living area and watched Yeri quietly.

"So, enjoying your new place yet?" Wendy said entering the room surprising Yeri.

"Wendy! You scared me. I almost spilled my breakfast." Yeri said calming her startled nerves.

"Sorry I just hadn't seen you in awhile. I came to see how you were doing now that you're on your own." Wendy said softly.

"I'm not on my own. I mean how could I be, I'm surrounded by a bunch of loud smelly men most of the time." Yeri chuckled.

"That  somehow doesn't reassure me." Wendy smiled.

"You know Roadie and Kato look out for me. Eric has been super sweet. I'm not alone. Plus I'm still attending some classes I'm going to finish this semester. If I can be totally honest, not much has changed since I decided to stay with Roadie. Im still taking classes like i said. I spend most of my time fixing up mechanical problems here instead of at your garage. I sometimes go out on a run with Eric but nothing dangerous. The only major change is I don't see you much anymore." Yeri said sadly.

"Well. I miss you too. I'm glad you're doing okay. You know you always have a place with me and my folks right." Wendy asked.

"Of course I do. How's the recovery going? And any plans to reopen another garage?" Yeri asked.

"The ribs almost fully healed. I should be 100% in a month or so. As for the garage, still no plans to reopen on my parents end, I might just have to open my own. If I do I'm gonna need reliable employees." Wendy dropped an obvious hint.

"I'll keep that in mind. Same goes for you here. The guys could use an actual mechanic. My skills aren't anywhere near yours." Yeri dropped a hint of her own.

Eric hurried down the stairs from the upper level joining Wendy and Yeri below.

"Good morning lazy." Yeri said playfully.

"Lazy? We were up so late I'm shocked you're even awake. Do you even sleep?" Eric replied sarcastically. Wendy's eyes grew wider with a hint of horror in them.

"Don't tell me.. you two..." Wendy said pointing at the two of them, not wanting to speak the words she was thinking. Eric and Yeri looked at each other confused.

" you... sl... sleep... you, share.... A room?" Wendy quivered in discomfort.

Eric's face turned white, as Yeris jaw fell open.

"It's true isn't it." Wendy asked.

Yeri bust out in laughter.

"You really think we share a room? There's barely enough room for me in the closet I sleep in. We were just up late talking and stuff." Eric explained.

"Do you think roadie would let me share a room with him? Besides his room is too small and it's a mess in there. I wouldn't go in there if he invited me." Yeri continued laughing.

" feelings." Eric smirked. "And besides I never understood why people are so bothered about a boy and girl sharing a bed to sleep. It's when they're awake in the bed people need to worry about, ain't nothing gonna happen when they're asleep except.. sleep."

Yeri turned to look at Eric and slowly shook her head 'no'.

"That's really not helping." Wendy told him.

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