Chapter 2

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the sun poked out from behind a group of white puffy clouds. its rays beaming down on the town of Rust Valley below.

"damn, another scorcher." Road dog sighed as he adjusted his brimmed hat to get the sun out of his eyes.

"were you expecting some snow?" Billy asked.

"No, just some rain maybe. feels like i havent seen rain in months." Road Dog continued to complain.

"because it has been months." Kato confirmed Road dogs thoughts.

"okay boys, let's just finish our errands here and get back to base. the sooner we get done the nicer the boss'll be and that will give road dog plenty of time to work on learning a rain dance." Billy laughed.

"veeerrry funny." Road Dog replied with a healthy dose of sarcasm. "but you're right about finishing up sooner. so let's split up. no need for all 3 of us to waddle around in this heat together."

"i agree." Kato nodded. "i'll take the weapons to get serviced. Billy, why dont you visit our informant. pay him his cut, maybe see if he has any useful information or jobs."

"and what about me..?""and what about him..?" Road Dog and Billy asked at the same time

"you're giving Wendy the rest of what you owe her." Kato smiled.

"what? no, she's going to hurt me. why dont i take the guns.." Road Dog stammered.

"are you really afraid of a little girl? just go before she hunts us down and repo's all the work she done for our crawler. besides your motorcycles there too." Billy said pushing him away playfully.

"and while youre there, be sure to tell them both i said hi." Kato winked.

Billy and Kato left to handle their business as road dog reluctantly went to handle his.

Road Dog walked up to a mechanics garage. he opened the glass door and approached the counter. the lights were on, but no one was there at the desk. a small orange service bell sat on the counter. Road dog rang the bell and leaned on the counter..he waited... and no one he rang it again, this time a little quicker and little louder.still, no one came.

"well if you're not here i guess i cant pay you." Road dog snickered as he pushed himself off the counter to stand up and walk out the door.

"not so fast slick!" a female voice shouted as road dog went to open the door."god! where did you come from?" Road dog said, a bit shaken.

"nice try trying to dip out on me like that. maybe i should charge you double interest now." the girl said holding out her hand and waving her fingers for her money.

"speaking of nice tries... double interest.. that is a nice try. how about you answer your bell. like why have a bell if you're not gonna answer it? 'my names wendy im a sassy little teenager who thinks it's funny to disrespect her customers meh meh'" Road dog said mimicking the girls voice.

"fine then find someone else to you fix your busted up bike and tin can crawler from now on." Wendy said as road dog slapped the money into her hand.

"maybe i will." he said with a snort.he turned and folded his arms. Wendy did the same behind the counter. they both sat there awkwardly, both taking quick glances at each other.

"see i told you the service here sucks." he muttered under his breath.

"if you want your dumb bike, go get it!" wendy yelled pointing to the door leading back to the garage.he hesitated and slowly walked to the door, peaking through the glass window on it."would you stop being a baby and go say hi to her." Wendy said trying to push him through the door. he swatted her hands away from him.

"no i cant. it's not a good idea." he replied stepping back from the door.

"why? she asks about you all the time." wendy sighed and sat in a chair beside the counter.

"i'm not the type of person a kid like that should look up to." Road dog said returning to glance through the doors window.

"you saved her life. of course shes gonna look up to you." wendy said calmly.

"how is she doing?" Road dog asked.

"considering what shes been through? shes doing well..." Wendy paused.

"what?" Road dog asked.

"i think she really... came from Chroma. like inside Chroma." Wendy said already anticipating road dogs reaction.

"no way, she's just remembering things like that because of whatever near death experience she had." Road dog explained.

"she has a sunlight sensitivity because she's never been in direct sunlight. her skin, her eyes. she has a sensitive digestive system because she's never had actual food! her knowledge of technology... and her lack of knowledge of things she wouldn't have access too outside of chroma, damnit Roadie. she's not lying." Wendy shouted.

"there's probably a dozen of reasons anyone from outside chroma could have those symptoms. im not a doctor so don't ask me to explain." Road dog was still denying Wendys thoughts on the matter.

"why are you so against her being from chroma?" she asked

"im just ... being realistic. there's no way people could have survived being inside that hell for all these years." Road dog said quietly. "and because.. people might try to exploit it."

"those dont sound like words from a person who shouldn't be looked up to." wendy said getting out of her chair. she joined road dog and looked through the window to the garage with him. they watched a young girl working on fixing up a motorcycle.

"thanks again for taking her in." Road dog said.

"no problem. like i said. she's a natural with machinery. shes got a knack for mechanics. my folks and i appreciate the help. im pretty sure they always wanted another child too. i know i always wanted a little sister." She smiled.

"thats good. im glad. but it looks like my bikes not ready yet so, maybe ill swing by later. you know, when its done."

"you mean when her shift is over." Wendy said seeing through his excuses.

"i mean the kids gotta go to school one of these days right? she is going to school right?" road dog asked like a concerned parent.

"oh my god, yes relax. shes adjusting to things still. but yes she is in school and her teacher said shes doing just great. why don't you just go ask her yourself? make a day of it?" Wendy asked him.

"my schedule is jam packed..." Road dog tried to sound serious.

"well if you say so. you better come say hi to her soon though. okay?" Wendy said sticking her finger in his face.

"yea, fine just not today." road dog said backing away from her finger.

"thanks again for the money. guess ill see you later?" Wendy asked.

"yep, ill give you a call. Tell the kid ill be dropping in too. for real time." He said as he went to peek in the garage again.

"i just dont get why it cant be today but okaaaaaay." Wendy rolled her eyes.

"Good seeing ya, Wen. you look good." He winked.

"thanks you too. tell Billy i said hi." She winked back.

"really? Billy? how long have you had a thing for him he's an ass...." Road dog moaned and as he opened the door to leave, the door to the garage swung open. Road Dogs eyes widened as the young girl who was working on his motorcycle stepped into the lobby.

"ROADIE?" She exclaimed with a huge smile. Wendy stood there with a smirk on her face.

"....surprise?" Road dog shrugged timidly

"AHHHHHH!" the girl shouted as she ran out to wrap him in a tight hug. "it's been so long since you've come by i was beginning to think you got hurt out there and wendy wasnt telling me, you know she tries to hide things like that from me? can you believe it? i've been keeping your bike in good shape, it's been ready i just wanted to put some final touches on it. but im so glad youre here i missed you how are you where have you been!"

road dogs head spun from the girls exsessive greeting.
"woah, hey slow down ! one question at a time. im fine, im fine. its really good to see you too, Yeri.." He said patting her shoulder. he looked over to see Wendy smugly smiling back at him.

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