Chapter 13

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Early one morning, Kato opened the door to Road Dogs bedroom, waking him in the process.

"Hey, sleeping beauty. Boss wants to us all in the war room. Get dressed." Kato informed the groggy Road dog. Road dog got out of his bed and quickly threw on some clothes. After dressing Road dog made his way to the meeting room, but he was pulled aside by Eric.

"Hey man, got a second?" Eric asked.

"Yeah what's up?" Roadie nodded.

"We all have a pretty good idea what this meeting is about. It would mean a lot if you could show Yeri some support." Eric dropped a subtle hint.

Road dog reluctantly nodded and they met up with everyone in their meeting room. They all took their seats around the table in the center of the room.

"Good morning you bunch of lazy knuckle heads, sorry for the last minute moral meeting here but the boss and I just wanted to say you have all been working really hard these last 2 months. You've all been pulling in great numbers money wise, our supplies are topped off and all our bills and maintenance are taken care of." Coyote addressed his team

"You gonna say you're proud of us, dad?" Billy chuckled.

"Yes, of everyone but you and your sarcastic ass." Coyote said flipping him off.

"Aww you're breaking my little heart." Billy mocked him in a whiny voice.

"Moving along, Kato has informed us of a big opportunity in IC City out to the west. His old partner there wants some help in bringing down some corrupt crime boss. I think it's worth at least looking into." Coyote told them.

"Because I have history in ICC, it's not a smart play for me to try and go under cover. Road dog has volunteered to go in my place." Kato added.

"Wait, you're leaving?" Yeri said taken by surprise.

"It's temporary. Like he said I'm just feeling things out. It's a long process, I'm not just going in saying "hi I'm here for a job interview crime boss."" Road dog said.

"Because Roadie will be away for awhile, it's also been proposed Yeri be given a more active role on assignments. I think we can agree she has been a big help so far. She even managed to score that fuel shipment with Eric which showed diligence." Coyote declared.

"Thanks for that Mr. Coyote. I also want to say I know what I signed up for. Sure I can get supplies and fix up your vehicles but I got more to offer than that. I can help with the tough jobs too, and I've shown you I can." Yeri spoke up for herself.

"You can just call me Coyote. No need for the mister. So, going forward we can trust Yeri to be involved in all activities. Agreed?" Coyote asked them.

"I never had an issue." Dingo shrugged.

"I have a slight issue, she's kept the crawler in better condition than dingo has..." Billy laughed. Dingo threw an ash tray at Billy in response.

"I think she's ready." Roadie nodded. Yeri gave him a big smile.

"Okay since we all seem to be in agreement and the only objections are to Dingos mechanic skills despite him being our vehicle specialist I'm going to end this last minute meeting and let you all go about whatever business you might have. Go make some money." Coyote dismissed them.

Yeri followed Road Dog and Kato out to the hallway.

"Hey Kato can I steal him for a second?" Yeri asked as she caught up.

"Go for it. Roadie I'll be in the garage." Kato said giving them some privacy.

"Thanks for believing in me. I was honestly surprised." Yeri said giving him a hug.

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