[Volume 2] chapter 10

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Far north of Rust Valley, the north western coast was a vastly different region in terms of climate and scenery. Instead of mountainous, arid, dry and hot, the North West coast was cooler, greener and damper though it did have many rolling hills. The cities of the NE were also more urban, more developed/modern. The main city was named Baptiste and it was the hub to the surrounding communities. 

One of these communities was New Castle. New Castle was the largest Grand outpost established on the continent.. and it served as their hub to their other smaller outposts they were starting to develop. Grand was a very large and very powerful nation from a separate continent to the north. They were a military nation with a reputation for "taking over" smaller communities. The methods they used varied, from peaceful to.. hostile, so opinions on Grand varied greatly between individuals. 

New Castle sat atop some foothills not far to the east of Baptiste. From New Castles overwatch tower you could see Baptiste in the distance below. A highly decorated officer stood with perfect posture at the large windows looking down over Baptiste below.

"Look at these orderless fools. It's nothing short of a miracle these uncoordinated, chaotic slack jawed hill billies managed to come so far as they did. What's to stop total destruction should the lawless rabble that plagues the land decide to band together? They could easily pick apart these communities who lack united leadership and government." He said condescendingly.

"Well I guess it's a good thing we are here. To provide them with opportunities. Security." His assistant said coming from behind then standing at attention.

"What news, hopefully good.. do you bring Mr. Hammond?" The officer asked turning to him.

"We've secured the airship crash site and retrieved all sensitive data and equipment as well as  a survivor. She has sustained injuries but nothing life threatening. She's in the outpatient recovery sector, Commander Sigma Sir!" His assistant, Mr Hammond said with a sharp salute.

"I'll send someone to retrieve a report. Thank you mr. Hammond" Sigma said returning the salute.

The main overwatch building connected to several encompassing buildings that served other purposes. Such as the medical hospital where Commander sigma sent a records official to gather the report from the airship crash survivor. The official entered the pristine white room where a woman in a hospital gown with long, dark hair paced slowly around the room. She limped on an obvious injured leg, her thigh wrapped in bandages.

"Good afternoon, I am from Records & Archives. R&A officer Hill." He introduced himself and sat at a small table to the side of the room.

"Lt. Irene Bae. Medical sciences." She said limping over to join him at the table.

"You can stay on the bed or can I get you a wheel chair?" He asked noting her leg.

"I'm fine, thank you. Let's proceed." Irene said scooting her chair in.

"Before we begin, On behalf of Grand we are relieved you survived. Now we can begin, just start from the beginning." He smiled.

"I was on a scouting mission for my division. We were surveying for resources.." Irene started but was already interrupted.

"Medical and science division, on a resource OP?" He asked.

"I was the medical advisor for the operation yes. If I may continue. On our way back from the mission the airship experienced a mechanical failure in the rear lift engines. I can not say what caused it but I can say attempts were made to fix the malfunctioning engines and when they were futile the pilots ordered us to the escape craft. Shortly after the engines combust causing significant hull damage, damage that impacted our escape bay and unable to use the craft. We then followed procedure to brace for a crash landing. The ships hull integrity fell apart while descending, and when we did finally fall to the surface many onboard did not survive. The ones that did and were able, set a secure perimeter around our site. They also looked for survivors at other impact sites when the ship split. I tended to the wounded but unfortunately all the wounded in my care were critical and without proper supplies I was unable to save them. While we waited for search and rescue, we had many encounters with hostile locals. Looters, scavengers looking to obtain our weapons, technology. Unfortunately we were unable to maintain a perimeter and they overwhelmed us, many died trying defending the wreckage, the rest of us were held hostage. We attempted to escape but we failed and in doing so they executed more of us. It was just myself and another left. They kept us alive in case back up arrived, hoping to use us as bargaining chips. Then someone intervened. Another group of looters. In the ensuing shootout I was able to escape the captors but the soldier with me did not. After aiding in my escape, the 2 men that helped me offered to return me to a grand outpost but I refused in order to remain at the crash. As far as I knew I was the only one alive and had to defend. I remained there without another incident and was retrieved along with the mission sensitive data not long after." Irene gave her summary of events.

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