Prologues: Introduction - Y (part 2)

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Yeri sat on the floor with her back against a wall. her fellow dwellers carried on with their daily routines. Hans came out to join her.

"we dodged some serious scoldings back there, huh." he sat beside her.

"yea well i guess scolding us takes a back seat after we tell them everyone here is going to be starving if we don't make some bold moves." Yeri said curling her legs up and resting chin on her knees.

"you worried? think we wont be able to pull it off?" Hans questioned

"i think we can get there, it's the cost that is starting to concern me... i guess i just wish we thought of the plan sooner." Yeri agonized.

"hmmm when you say it like that, you have to ask, how long 'til the machines figured that out? if they adapted to our patterns and behaviors of going to the food plant, you would have to think they would eventually figure out about the pipe-line too? i mean i don't know i'm not a robot. just a dumb boy." Hans said doing his best to address her concerns.

before Yeri could respond, they were informed to meet back in the chiefs briefing room.

they rejoined the group at the table.

"okay, i hope the recess gave us time to try to think of positive approaches to going forward. i think we all need to put our heads together to come up with the best way to keep this new supply line running safely and effectively." the chief stated with a firm tone.

"do you 2 have enough tubing to still make that plan happen?" one attendee asked Yeri and Hans.

"well, no but i suppose if we found enough of it, it could work in the future?" Hans shrugged.

"for now lets set up the initial mission to get out there and we can plan subsequent runs after we manage to get that out of the way i think that way we will have a better idea of what it will require." another added. Yeri stood up suddenly.

"multiple runs are not going to be possible. at least not a long term solution. our best bet is getting as much as we can in one trip, but even then we cant be sure." she said nervously. her hands trembled at her side.

"Yeri?" Hans was surprised.

"the droids are learning our behaviors. its not just a myth or a theory i've seen it, other runners too. the walker droids arent patrolling anymore. they watch us with the floating ones!" Yeri said her voice now  trembling with her hands.

"maybe its because we've exhausted their numbers?" an attendee replied

"i know the chief said to be positive and that's good thinking but, no, the droids are getting smarter. they are learning. the plant being destroyed is proof enough. and not only was it destroyed, we were ambushed. 2 times. they know we are here. they are expecting us to go out there and when we do leave the safety of the anti droid field, you can bet on the robots are going to be waiting for us!" Yeri voiced her concerns

"if that were the case, then why haven't they just surrounded us completely?" they asked her.

"i don't know. but they could. i think we need to think about leaving the city completely." Yeri said slamming her hand on the table. Hans was shocked by her sudden change .

"that's impossible, no one has made it out!" the group said almost erupting in a rabble.

"how do we know that? its not like they are going to come back and say so! they are going to run as far as possible" Yeri replied

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