
26.6K 797 199

I can't believe it's actually over. It feels like just yesterday I started jotting down a general plot story for the book now it's over. Like I mentioned at the start of the previous chapter, I didn't expect this book to do so well. I figured I'd get maybe a few reads but now we're almost at 100k reads which in incredible!

Thank you guys so so so much. It means the world to me. I'd also like to give special thanks to a few readers who stood out to me in particular. They always comment such nice and/or funny things that make my day (I do read ALL the comments 👀)

Baek-Con (my favorite crackehead 😂)

Of course I'm grateful to the rest of you amazing readers so don't feel under appreciated if I didn't mention you ❤

If you didn't already know, I started a Yunwoosan book a while back and I've just posted the next chapter as you're reading this. If you're interested and wouldn't mind joining me on my journey and growth in becoming a more experienced writer then feel free to check that out.

Thanks once again ~!! ùwù

Thanks once again ~!! ùwù

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