Part Twenty-Three

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A/N: Hey you guys! xD It's super short, but, I didn't think it need much more for this little part. xD Dedicated to lucky fan number 36! Congrats! xD

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Part Twenty-Three

"I know you're in here. Show yourself!"

His eyes snapped open at the sound of the angry masculine voice, and he crouched lower into the shadows, his icy blue eyes searching for the source of the voice. He heard footsteps sounding across the floor, echoing into the corner he hid in from all sides. He couldn't tell where they were coming from, only that they were getting closer.

"I'm not going to play games with you! Come out and face me!" The voice roared, bouncing across the stone floors and walls.

More footsteps, coming closer still, and the young warrior quieted his breathing to where it was barely audible to his own ears. Then, out of the corner of his eye, a large black boot stepped into view, and then another was placed next to it. The bottom of a black cape swished around the man's feet.

Ganondorf. The hero's thoughts were confirmed.

"You're pathetic." The man snickered menacingly. "A coward. You don't deserve the gift of the Goddess! You're weak!"

Link grit his teeth together but didn't move. He wasn't a coward. He just wasn't stupid enough to try and face the lord of all evil without a sword. Speaking of; where was his sword?

As if on cue, the black clad man whirled around, and he saw it. His sword was placed at the mans side, gleaming openly. The light of the window behind the man caught on the sword as he turned, and flashed into the hero's hiding place, revealing him only momentarily, but long enough for the man to catch sight of his steely blue eyes.

Quicker than Link could move, the man flung his arm out into the shadows, clasping his gray hand around the warriors neck.

"Found you." Ganondorf hissed. "Did you really think you could escape me?" He laughed darkly as he pulled Link from the shadows, holding him up far enough so that his feet barely skimmed the ground. "This is

my castle." His disgusting yellow eyes flashed. "No one gets in and no one gets out without my knowledge."

Link glared at him but kept his mouth shut. He wasn't in the position to insult him.

"In fact." He tightened his grip on the young hero's neck. "I know you came here despite the fact that your precious princess told you not to. And I know something you don't." He smiled sickeningly. "When your princess found you missing from her castle... She came after you."

Link's eyes widened. No.

"She tried to sneak in, but my guards caught her." He went on. "And in fact, they should be bringing her to me in three... two..." He turned his head towards the door, his eyes leaving Link completely.

Big Mistake.

Just as he moved his mouth to say 'One', Link reared his leg back and kneed Ganondorf in the gut. On instinct, Ganondorf dropped Link from his grip, and clutched at his torso. There was a commotion outside the door, and the young warrior acted on instinct. He lurched forwards and gripped the hilt of his sword in his left hand, and ripped it from the holster as he jumped backwards into a back flip and kicked the lord of all evil right in his ugly face.

The door busted open, and in scrambled two Moblins on either side of their cloaked prisoner. While Ganondorf roared from the impact and stumbled back, Link turned his sword on the two, who, after taking one glance at him and their reeling master before him, turned and fled from the room. Link grinned cockily, and then turned his sword back on Ganondorf, who was now getting to his feet.

He wiped blood from the corner of his mouth, his yellow eyes flashing. "You're going to regret that boy." He started towards him, and Link raised his sword higher. Ganondorf hesitated for only a second, but it was a second to long. With the blink of an eye, the cloaked figure reared their arm back, and then snap. Three deku nuts popped on the ground and blinded the yellow eyed King of Evil.

Before either of them could recover, the cloaked figure grabbed Link by the arm and shoved him out the window.

When Ganondorf opened his eyes again, they were both gone.

A/N: Just in case anyone was confused, this was a flashback to one of Link's previous lives. All will be explained in the next part, so you'll just have to be patient xD And as always, Peace, Love, and Circus Freaks - B xD <3

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