It's Complicated

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Hi beautiful people, 

I changed my mind because it is time to jump right into the angst.

Tell me if you want me to put photos of the food I am talking about in the story.

Special thank you to those amazing commentators:

@AntiqueRomantica @ZiaJang@FroZenCrystal2030  @patriciathawmte @ArchuG1412 @nurix5 @haroni10

 Happy reading!

General Pov.

Earth exhaled the smoke from his mouth before he put the cigarette between his lips, he was standing on his balcony leaning on the railing.

The sun was still low but he could feel the heat rising up.

"Awake already." A sleepy voice uttered behind him.

Earth crushed the cigarette in the cinder before he went back into his flat.

He stared at the neatly clothed man in front of him.

"You can still sleep, it is still early New," Earth said, gazing with a disapproval frown on his face seeing the other man already clothed.

"You didn't need to worry. I didn't sleep much last night. I did a lot of thinking..." New trailed off, lost in his thoughts for a moment. "Thank you for letting me to bother you by the way. Sorry, I am always bringing you into my mess."

"You don't need to apologise I already told you. My door is always opened to you. Whatever the time or day." Earth said with something in his voice, a tiny smile in the corner of his shaped mouth. New couldn't pinpoint what it was but he was grateful.

"I am so lucky to have a friend such as you." New thanked sincerely missing the smile disappearing from his friend's mouth.

"Did you take your decision?" Earth asked a tad bit too cold for his own liking, surprising his friend.

"Oh! I am going to stay at my cousin's place for..."

"I am not kicking you outside if this is what you think, New. Mark and I have a spare room, you can take it."

"I know you are not. I just want to avoid Pon which is difficult since we have the same circle of friends."

"Are you going to break with him?"

"I need time to think things through. I feel like an idiot for always going back to him knowing he is cheating behind my back the first occasion he got."

"You can't be hard on yourself for trying to make things work."

"I just thought after Tay, he would be there for me always... but I guess after his death I..."

Earth kept mouth shut, knowing New didn't need pity from him even if all he wanted at this moment was to take him in his arms to comfort him.

"Anyway, thanks again for welcoming here last night," New added with a vacant gaze.

"Call me when you are settled?" Earth asked, trying but failing to not sound hopeful.

The other one nodded with a faint smile on his smile before he left.

A few minutes later, Earth heard a faint noise coming towards the kitchen. With a frustrated sigh, he opened the fridge to pull out what to make a decent breakfast.

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