Lost Opportunities

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Hi beautiful people, I hope you are doing good! We are living difficult times so stay safe and if your family has been touched by the Coronavirus (or just going through a hard time), I can only wish you to remain strong even if it is difficult.

Now enjoy this chapter! 😘

This chapter has been proofread by the amazing @sas75487

General Pov.

Arthit is drinking his umpteenth cup of coffee for the day, ignoring the concerned glance from the headmaster. Reviewing the new admission forms for next year requires his full attention.

"Oh! Look at the time! Time for lunch. Come Arthit, it is on me!"

"...but Sir..."

"Tut-tut! I feel like you will faint anytime soon. You look tired, and you have bags under your eyes. Tell me, do you have too much work? In that case, I..."

"Woah! I am starving, let me treat you Sir." Arthit interrupts with false enthusiasm.

Declan stares at him for a long time, making the young man squirm uncomfortably. The headmaster is a handsome man, and friendly, but he can be intimidating when need be. Arthit looks up to him as some kind of older brother, but Declan's gaze is really intense.

It's as if the headmaster can see through his clothes and see the hickeys decorating his body.

At the thought, Arthit rearranges the collar of his shirt, hoping the older man doesn't catch a glimpse of the red marks on his collarbone.

'If I find that guy, I will ki...run as far as possible! Staying in the same room as that weirdo will be the death of me.'

Arthit physically shudders when his treacherous mind decides to recall the image of their passionate embrace.

He stops in front of a vending machine where he slams his head against the glass.

'Stop thinking about it! This is not worth remembering, even if we were bedridden.'

Arthit was mortified when he woke up next to a sleeping young man. Somehow he had managed to slip out of the hotel, then made a mad dash to the flat he is sharing with his cousins.

Mathilda had stared at him and had wordlessly given him a painkiller. Of course, his younger cousin Daniel had decided to be a snarky little brat...which had earned him a slap over his head by his older sister.

Arthit then kept to his bed, scolding himself for drinking and having a one-night stand in the raw.

'Seriously! The first time I let loose unwillingly and this happened!'

"Arthit?" The sound of his name brings him back to the present.

Turning around, he sees the English teacher.

"Khrū Kuvitra." He waiies respectfully.

"No need to call me Khrū Kuvitra when there are no students." Gale giggles, but stops short when she notices how preoccupied the young man is in front her. "I am sure being the school deputy is a stressful job, but I think you are doing a good job. You handled Park quite well. He keeps telling me he will miss you next year."

Arthit isn't sure how he should take it. Sure the student is...a handful, but his enthusiasm is admirable.

'...but to live it on a daily basis will send me to an early grave.'

"Well, I hope his entrance exam goes well...for his sake of course." He adds the last part a bit too fast for his own taste.

Not deaf to his poor attempt, Gale chuckles, understanding quite well what the young school deputy must feel.

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