perfect {I}

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   "watch it, jungkook! i'm gonna kick your ass!" an enthusiastic jimin screeched as he was about to cross the finish line.

   "over my dead body!" an equally enthusiastic jungkook screeched back as his cart passed by jimin's.

   yep, this was how weekends should be spent. just two guy pals, sitting in front of a tv, bowl of chips in between, playing mario cart. of course, it's only enjoyable when you don't have that one friend that calls a rematch everytime you win. that was how jungkook and jimin's day went; jimin loses, calls rematch, loses again.

   this cycle repeats until noon, when jungkook called it quits and wrecked his cart on purpose, letting jimin have his moment of victory, "ha, take that! you finally diminished! burn in hell, fucker!"

   jungkook laughed as jimin paraded around the big room, jumping around and twirling as he chanted victorious.

   it took five minutes for jimin's reign of winning to finally subside, ending in him flopping onto the carpet and panting heavily. a laugh escaped past his lips every few seconds, making jungkook chuckle at the sight of the older.

   "hyung, are you done being a child now?" the elder sat up and gave the younger a confused look.

   "you're just jealous that i look younger than you do," this made the younger laugh out loud. jimin huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

   "i'm sorry for laughing, hyung, it's just that you're completely wrong," jungkook started while wiping the tears from his eyes. "it's just that you're so childish sometimes, i could mistake you for a gigantic baby."

   this made jimin crack a smile, he stood up and walked into the kitchen, mumbling incoherent words that the younger couldn't understand.

   jungkook followed jimin into the kitchen, walking in and sitting on the counter while jimin opened up the food cabinet. "are you hungry, jungkookie?" the older poked his head out of the cabinet to look at the younger. jungkook nodded and hopped off the counter, going to the fridge.

   pulling on the handle, a piece of paper caught his eye. "hey hyung, what's this?" jimin peeked out from behind the cabinet again, staring at the piece of paper the younger held in his hand.

   "ooh, jungkook, i almost forgot. i'm having a party tonight, it must've slipped my mind. you should come, you'll be able to meet my friend from work." jungkook nodded and placed the paper back under the magnet that held it on the fridge.

   "maybe i could make room in my busy schedule," the younger opened the fridge and began poking around at the food.

   "sleeping doesn't make a busy schedule, it just makes you lazy." jimin chuckled at the younger as he glared at him. jungkook found a carton of banana milk behind a container of soup. quietly, he slid it out of the fridge and shoved it in his jacket pocket. 'jimin won't mind if i just have one'

   "jungkookie!" the younger jumped at hearing his name and instantly shut the fridge door, looking over to see a frustrated jimin with his hands on his hips. "don't act like i didn't just see you stuff that milk in your pocket."

   the younger gave his hyung a confused look, trying to play it off as innocent. "i don't know what you're talking about."

   jimin took a step toward jungkook, jungkook taking one back. "so, if i gave you a pat down, i wouldn't find my last carton of banana milk in your jacket pocket?"

   jungkook shook his head, jimin taking another step toward him, "then what's the bulge in your pocket? or does your side have a boner?"this caused the younger to laugh, holding onto his pocket so his milk wouldn't fall out.

   "fine, you got me." jimin stepped back from jungkook, walking over to the fridge and opening it. he dug around until he found his secret stash of banana milk behind a container of salad.

   "i was going to wait until tonight, but you know, you're an impatient little fuck." jungkook let out a high pitched scream, trapping the older into a suffocating embrace.

   "thank you, thank you! thank you, hyung!" jungkook sang as he hugged jimin tighter, finally letting go when his best friend started gasping for breath.

   "why don't you let me breathe once in a while, kook?" jimin asked as he tried to catch his breath.

   "you don't need all that air, besides, it's a waste." jungkook laughed at jimin's confused expression.

   "i swear, sometimes you don't make any sense," jimin chuckled at the younger's hurt reaction, holding his hand over his heart to make it seem more realistic.


   "shut up."

   jungkook looked up at the clock on the wall, seeing as it was almost time for jimin's party to start. "shoot, jimin. i should go home and get ready." the younger started grabbing his car keys, jimin holding his hand out to stop him.

   "no need, just stay as you are. but if you're ready worried about how you look, just borrow some of my clothes." jungkook nodded and trudged up the stairs, into jimin's bedroom. "but no going nude!" jungkook chuckled at his friend's silliness, going into the walk-in closet.

   he looked through the large arrangement of clothing, finally finding what he wanted. he got out jimin's black hoodie. taking off his jacket, that contained his banana milk, he slipped the hoodie over his t-shirt, looking at himself in the full-length mirror. 'not bad, jungkook, not bad at all.'

   "jeon jungkook, get your ass down here!" jungkook frantically tossed his jacket into jimin's closet, reminding himself to come back and get it later. he thumped his way back down the stairs, running into a man in the process.

   "oh- i-i'm terribly sorry, s-sir." jungkook looked up, only to be met with someone a little taller than he is, staring at him, a smirk evident on his lips.

   "don't worry about it, accidents happen." the man's deep voice surprised jungkook. he couldn't help but blush, feeling the heat rising to his cheeks. behind the man, jungkook could see a smirking jimin in the background, giving jungkook the thumbs-up.

   the man in front of jungkook cleared his throat, capturing the attention of the younger. "again sir, i'm very sorry. i wasn't paying attention to where i was going."

   "i told you, accidents happen. nothing to worry about. i'm taehyung, by the way." the man held out his hand, awaiting jungkook's hand to meet his. jungkook hesitantly brought his hand to meet the older's, shaking it gradually.

   "i'm jungkook." the man smiled and stared at the younger, adoration in his eyes.

   "i know, i've heard so much about you."

//Taekook// Oneshots (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now