how i met your brother {I}

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jungkook giggled as taehyung teasingly kissed all over his neck, hovering over him as jungkook laid on the soft bed. "what's so funny, babe?" taehyung asked as he slowly rubbed the younger's sides.

"just thinking about something funny," jungkook said while covering his mouth to stifle his laughs.

"oh yeah?" taehyung asked, laying down next to the younger, "like what?"

"how we met," jungkook blushed a light rose color. taehyung smirked and laid on his side, propping himself up on his elbow.

"oh yeah?" jungkook nodded. "do you remember how hot i was back then? not that much has changed."

"i remember how socially awkward you were," jungkook giggled, causing taehyung to playfully roll his eyes.

"you were the socially awkward one, darling. i remember how flustered you'd get whether i was in the same room as you." jungkook lightly hit taehyung on his arm, taehyung fake wincing in pain.

a knock on the door made the two males sit up, "come in." namjoon poked his head into the room, looking at the two sitting on the bed.

"hope i'm not interrupting something, but mom needs you for a minute, taehyung." jungkook whined and clung onto taehyung's arm, making the older chuckle.

"i'll be right back," he said as he got out of the younger's grasp and left the room. the two males left in the room let silence overcome them. namjoon was the first to speak up.

"so, i heard you two talking out there," jungkook nodded his head. "how did you two meet that made it so funny?" jungkook smiled a little and patted the spot next to him.

"it's a long story," he said as namjoon sat down.

"i got time," jungkook pulled his knees up to his chest, hugging them as he rocked back and forth.

"it all started when i fell on my face," he began.

[two years ago]

"i'm just saying, all you have to do is say hi!" jimin whined as he watched jungkook getting his things from his locker. the younger shut his locker and turned to his best friend.

"i'd rather get my tongue shut in a car door," he said bluntly before walking away, the older following after him.

"it's really not that bad, i don't see what's so hard." jungkook stopped in his tracks, turning to face jimin with a 'bitch are you serious' face.

"one: he's extremely hot, two: practically everyone has a crush on him whether they know it or not, three: he would never give one second of his precious time to someone like me." jungkook said the last sentence as he motioned towards himself.

jimin sighed, following his best friend to their class. he saw taehyung from around the corner before jungkook did. smirking to himself, he did the only thing a real best friend would do: he tripped jungkook by putting his foot out.

the younger winced in pain from the hard impact on the floor. he got on his hands and knees, gathering all his papers that flew out of his arms and scattered all over the floor. he heard footsteps faltering, looking over to see jimin running down the hallway. 'dick,' he thought as he continued to gather his things.

"hey, you okay? that was a pretty hard landing you had," jungkook looked up and saw a hand in front of his face. he accepted the hand that was offered to him, standing up with his things.

"thank y-" jungkook stopped breathing when he saw the face he never wished to see this close to him. well, he did, but only from afar.

"not a problem," taehyung said as he gave jungkook a small smile. jungkook felt his cheeks heating up, looking down at his feet.

"yo, taehyung!" a voice yelled from behind jungkook, causing the younger to turn around. "let's go." taehyung nodded.

"see you around, bunny boy," taehyung said as he winked at the younger before walking away. jungkook blushed at the nickname, continuing to walk to his class.

that wasn't the only time that day that the two males confronted each other. at lunch, taehyung got to the cafeteria late, seeing every seat taken. except for three seats unoccupied at a small table in the corner. there, he saw his bunny boy talking with a short male from his gym class.

he had walked up to their table, jungkook looking up at him immediately. "sorry to intrude, but is this seat taken?" he asked. jungkook sat there frozen, so jimin took over.

"by you," he said as he motioned for taehyung to sit. taehyung sat down next to jungkook, the younger not sparing him a glance as he kept eating his food. jungkook looked over at taehyung on his phone, noticing the older hadn't brought a lunch.

"h-hey," he said, barely above a whisper. taehyung turned his attention toward the younger. "aren't you hungry?"

"i forgot to pack lunch and i don't have any money to buy any," he said. jungkook looked around in his lunchbox and found an uneaten apple. he held it in front of the older's face.

"here," taehyung smiled and took the apple, taking a bite out of it. jungkook showed him his infamous bunny smile before returning to his food.

lunch ended sooner than jungkook would've liked. the two males made their seperate ways. jungkook got to his math class, sitting down in the back. he was staring out the window the whole period, wondering how today turned out from horrible, to slightly great.

"jeon jungkook!" jungkook turned his attention towards his math teacher, her hand on her hip. "please come and do this problem." jungkook nodded and made his way up to the front of the room. he took the marker from his teacher and began to do the problem.

after carrying a few numbers, multiplying and subtracting, jungkook finished the problem and returned to his seat. "correct, mr. jeon."

jungkook smiled to himself, but it didn't last long when he heard snarky comments from his classmates. they were a line the lines of "nerd" to "show off", some even adding in an occasional "teacher's pet".

the bell rang shortly after, jungkook quickly shuffling out of the classroom before he could hear any more rude remarks. he rushed into the bathroom, sitting down on the floor with his knees hugged to his chest, tears leaving his eyes.

taehyung walked into the bathroom shortly after, seeing the poor boy on the dirty bathroom floor. he crouched down beside the young boy, wrapping his arms around the younger. "what's wrong?"

jungkook sniffles, wiping his tears with the sleeves of his shirt. "mean people," taehyung pulled the boy onto his lap, rocking them both side to side as he let the younger cry into his shirt.

somehow, that whole dilemma ended in the two making out in the bathroom, jungkook sat on top of the sink as taehyung in between his legs. they ended up missing three class periods, just enjoying each other's company and warmth.

[present day]

"you two are a mess," namjoon said as jungkook finished his story.

"a hot mess," taehyung said, leaning against the door frame.

"how long have you been there?" jungkook asked as taehyung walked over to his, wrapping his arms around the younger.

"since the part where i sat at your lunch table," jungkook blushed, leaning into the older's embrace. "but, i've always been here." taehyung whispered as he placed a kiss on jungkook's forehead.


i honestly hate this one but oh well

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