lemon drizzle {I}

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//i read a bottom!namjoon fanfic and i've never felt so alive skskkskss

i didn't really want to post this one, but it's the only one draft that i have completely finished sksksksk

also, school is starting soon. i'm not ready 😭//

"kim taehyung!" a not-so-quiet voice yelled from the other side of the door. taehyung groaned and rolled onto his stomach, covering his head with a pillow to block out the obnoxious noise outside.

his attempt failed, as he soon felt the pillow being ripped from his clutches and the blanket pulled off of his body. he shivered as he felt the cool morning air, sighing in defeat as he looked up at a clearly annoyed jimin.

"it's time to get out of bed!" he yelled before walking over to taehyung's dresser, throwing a pair of pants and a shirt at the younger before walking out.

taehyung groaned before getting out of bed and changing into whatever clothes that the elder threw at him. he walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, only to be met with jimin at the sink washing dishes.

"go, go wait in the car! you're too late for breakfast!" jimin said as he hurriedly dried off the dishes and placed them in the cupboard. taehyung rolled his eyes at his roommate's tone and grabbed his backpack from the hanger near the front door.

the sun was shining and there was a slight breeze blowing. next door, two kids were playing in the yard, a boy and a girl. their mother was sitting in a lawn chair, looking at a magazine while occasionally glancing up at her kids.

taehyung smiled as he remembered jimin and himself when they were younger. they used to go outside and play all the time, even if it was raining. he loved the rain, when it wasn't too drastic.

"i said to get in the car!" jimin shouted from behind him. groaning as a response, taehyung got into the passenger seat of jimin's car, buckling himself in.

jimin sat in the driver's seat, aggressively buckling his seatbelt while simultaneously putting the key into the ignition. taehyung always took note of how well the older was at multitasking.

neither of the young males spoke a word the whole car ride. not because they didn't have anything to say, but because they've known each other for so long that they found comfort in the silence between them.

taehyung didn't know he fell asleep leaning against the window, until he felt someone irritatedly poking his cheek. turning around, only to be met with a frowning jimin with his backpack on his lap. "get out."

taehyung opened his door, stepping out and streching his muscles before making his way inside, jimin following after. the hallways were quiet, only a few students passing by here and there.

taehyung and jimin parted ways once they reached the younger's classroom. taehyung took his normal seat next to the window, just so he could enjoy the view of the cherry blossom tree outside instead of listening to the teacher's boring lectures about why certain math concepts are important.

a tap on his shoulder made him flinch, looking up to see a boy with light brown hair and a smile that made him look like a bunny. taehyung must have been staring for too long because the young male in front of him shifted in his stance uncomfortably, waving a hand in front of taehyung's face. "wha— oh yes, can i help you?"

"is this seat taken?" the bunny-toothed male asked while pointing the seat next to taehyung. his smile slowly faded away when the sitting male said nothing, nor made any movements. "i assume it is?"

taehyung shook his head slightly, as if he was in deep thought, and finally shook his head. "no, it never is." the smile immediately found its way back to the boy's features as he stared at taehyung.

"would it be alright if i sat here?" taehyung nodded and looked back out the window. he heard the sound of a chair being pulled out from under the table and shuffling movements of someone sitting down. out of the corner of his eye, taehyung took a moment to take in the young male's appearance.

he was wearing yellow converse with white shorts and a yellow sweatshirt that went to the middle of his thighs. taehyung took notice of his books, which all had yellow covers on them. he also acknowledged his yellow pencil bag, which contained his yellow pencils.

too much of one color, where's this kid's variety?  taehyung thought as the bell rang for class to start. the teacher walked in, his shoulders were hunched over and he looked exhausted. it was obvious he didn't plan his outfit, and just put on whatever clothes were around. his hair was dishevelled and stuck out in many different places.

taehyung rolled his eyes at his teacher's laziness, and rested his chin on his palm, waiting for the lesson to start.

"good morning, class," he started, earning a response of 'hello's and 'good morning's in return. "i do apologize for my appearance today, i didn't get much sleep last night. take advantage of your free period today, work on homework for another class, whisper with your friends, draw, i don't care. just be quiet."

a series of "yay"s were heard as students began moving seats to sit by their friends. taehyung stayed in his seat, not really bothering moving somewhere else. his best friend, jimin, was in a different class, so he had no choice but to either socialize with someone else or sit by himself.

he chose the latter, staring out the window at the intriguing tree outside. he heard the sound of a pencil scrubbling across a paper from next to him, turning around to see the boy from earlier drawing in one of his notebooks. he watched as the boy drew unsymmetrical lines, some curved and some straight. as much as he didn't care, he was curious to see what the boy's drawing would look like when he was finished.

the picture started to take shape of a face, a male at that. his face reminded taehyung of a cat, because of his cat-like eyes. the drawing looked familiar to him, but he couldn't put his finger on why.

the boy next to him turned to grab an eraser from his bag, seeing taehyung staring at him with an emotionless expression. the two made eye contact for a brief moment before the boy looked away. "who's that?"

"w-what?" taehyung rolled his eyes.

"i asked, who is that? the man in the drawing," he pointed to the male's notebook.

"ooh, that's yoongi hyung," he stated, erasing some lines that were unnecessary. "he's like my older brother, although we aren't really related. it's hard to explain." taehyung nodded in understanding, realizing his and jimin's relationship was the same.

"oh!" the boy's dramatic outburst caught taehyung off-guard, almost making him fall out of his chair. "i never asked you what your name was."

"taehyung, what about yours?"

"jungkook," the boy said as he put the final touches on his drawing, closing the notebook. taehyung still can't help but wonder why the male looks so familiar.

//i'm sorry for any mistakes, i've been in a "mood" today so i couldn't focus

*cough* mami *cough*//

//Taekook// Oneshots (HIATUS)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang