excuse me, officer {I}

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   110 miles per hour. that's how fast jeon jungkook was driving down the clear road at one in the morning. windows down, feeling the wind blowing through his dark brown hair.

   pushing his limits, jungkook decided he could go faster. besides, he didn't really have a set destination anyway, he was just going wherever his car takes him.

   living free, that's what he was. yes, was. he had worked a late shift at work, only to come back and find out he had been evicted from his home for paying late rents. not to mention that other residents in his building called to complain about him.

   jungkook swore he'd never met such rude people in his life. all he did was get drunk one time, winding up in the pool at two in the morning, nude.

   okay.. maybe it was more than once. but he couldn't be blamed, he was still a child after all.

   going 125, which is 70 miles over the speed limit, jungkook saw many stars out. they littered the sky like fireflies in an open field.

   the blinking lights, colors of red and blue, took his focus off of the star-sprinkled sky up above. with vexation laced in his voice, jungkook let out a groan.

   pulling over to the side of the road, the teen couldn't help but feel embarrassed at the moment. the dark figure of a police officer exiting their vehicle could be seen in jungkook's rearview mirror, and jungkook was certain he knew exactly who it was.

   officer kim.

   doesn't this man have anything better to be doing other than pulling me over all the time? jungkook thought as he watched the man walk closer to his window.

   "good evening, officer kim? to what do i owe the honor of being in your presence yet again?"

   "the fact that you were speeding, again, jeon." taehyung took out a little notepad and pen, filling out jungkook's ticket.

   "please, call me jungkook. i mean, we are so well acquainted, after all. why the need to be so formal?" jungkook leaned his elbow on his car door, his chin resting on his palm.

   "this isn't a joke, jeon. you could've hurt someone, or more likely yourself. how would you feel being put in bed rest in a boring old hospital?"

   jungkook made a face as if he was deep in thought, then a smile creeped its way onto his lips, "it would be much better than my living situation now, taehyung."

   taehyung looked up at jungkook, his lips formed into a thin line, "what do you mean, jeon?"

   jungkook sighed and looked forward, looking at the open road in front if him. "i got kicked out of my apartment for not being able to pay rent. but how could i? with a suckish job and an even suckier boss, it's impossible. not to mention that i get paid way less than what i'm actually worth!"

   taehyung stared at the younger for a few moments, not quite sure if the younger was being serious or not. looking at the younger's pouting lips and the way his eyes were glazed over, made taehyung think that he was being completely honest.

   "if you're evicted from your apartment, where did you sleep last night?" taehyung asked, looking for subtle hints that this could just be one of the younger's subtle tricks.

   jungkook sighed. "i wasn't evicted last night, so i slept in my apartment, in my comfortable bed. i saw the eviction notice on my door when i got home."

   "then how come it took you until about two in the morning to notice?" taehyung tried pushing the answers further, into more depth.

   "i worked a late shift at work. i didn't get home until about midnight, then i took almost an hour to gather my things before i decided to let loose. i started pushing the speed limit at about one, when i figured no cops would be out this late and i didn't really give a fuck."

//Taekook// Oneshots (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now