excuse me, officer {II}

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   "good morning, jeon," jungkook heard a deep voice from the kitchen. he walked into the aforementioned room, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

   "morning," he mumbled as he made his way towards the table and took a seat. a plate was sat in front of him, consisting of eggs bacon, and some toast. he looked up to see taehyung with a smile on his face.

   "go ahead, eat up," once the words left taehyung's mouth, jungkook practically devoured his food. taehyung chuckled as he walked back to the sink, washing his dishes. "you know, i'm glad you finally decided to join me this morning. minnie and i were starting to think you died." he said, motioning over to the clock on the wall.

   jungkook looked over at the clock and saw that it was 11:54.
"s-sorry. guess i'm a heavy sleeper."

   "i noticed that last night. i knocked in your door to hand you another blanket since the temperature outside was dropping drastically. but when i knocked, you never answered. so i waited a few minutes, but you still never answered. so i went inside anyway and you were passed out, so i just draped the blanket over you and left."

   jungkook looked down and blushed, "sorry again."

   "trust me, it's nothing to be sorry about. you were just tired." he showed jungkook his infamous boxy smile and turned back to the sink, finishing his dishes. turning back around soon after. "are you finished?"

   jungkook nodded and taehyung took his plate, bringing it to the sink to wash it. "do you have any plans for today?" taehyung asked as he washed jungkook's plate.

   jungkook shook his head, "not really. i guess i could go out and look for a job." jungkook stood up, pushing in his chair as he was making his way into the living room.

   taehyung finished jungkook's dishes and followed the younger into the living room, seeing the younger laying on the couch. "well, you're not going to get a job looking like that." taehyung motioned towards jungkook's pajamas.

   "i guess i could change. but i'll do it later," jungkook groaned as he laid his arm over his eyes, blocking out the light. taehyung walked over to jungkook, bending down to be level with the younger's ear.

   "or you could do it right now and not have to face the consequences," he whispered. jungkook visibly shivered, removing his arm from his face and sitting up.

   jungkook stood up from the couch, quickly making his way up the wooden stairs, "maybe i could leave right now!" taehyung heard jungkook yell as the sound of a door being slammed was heard through the house. 'he's too easy.' taehyung thought as he sat on the couch, turning on the television.

   jungkook leaned against the door, breathing in heavily as he tried to get his breathing paced. he got out his clothes and went into the bathroom that was connected to taehyung's bedroom. he locked the door, just incase the pervert downstairs decides to take another chance to embarrass him.

   he slipped off his clothes, getting into the shower soon after. he sighed in content as he felt the warm water running over his tense shoulders and down his back. he washed his hair, massaging his head in the process. he couldn't remember the last time a shower felt this good.

   "hey, jeon," a deep voice sounded from the other side of the bathroom door. jungkook froze, too shocked to move. 'he can't open the door.'

   "y-yeah?" jungkook mentally cursed himself for stuttering.

   "are you making a porno in there, or what? it's been half an hour." jungkook gasped and quickly rinsed himself off, making sure to get all the soap off his body.

   he stepped out of the shower, drying himself off with the speed he never knew he had. quickly slipping on his underwear, pants, and shirt, he stepped out of the bathroom, only to be met with a smirking taehyung.

   "no, i was drying off, as a matter of fact." jungkook scoffed and tossed the wet towel and his dirty clothes into the laundry hamper.

   "more like jacking off." taehyung chuckled as he watched an irritated jungkook slide on his shoes. "what job are you thinking about applying for?"

   jungkook shrugged his shoulders, "i was thinking about applying for a job at jin hyung's bakery. the one down the street, just so i don't have to waste money on gas."

   taehyung nodded, "that's a good choice." he walked out of the room, going to get himself ready for the day. jungkook grabbed his phone and car keys, checking himself in the full-length mirror on the wall. 'i look good, a million bucks is jealous'. he thought, sending a wink to his own reflection before walking out of taehyung's bedroom and down the stairs.

   minnie was waiting by the last step, jumping up when jungkook reached him. jungkook giggled and bent down to pet the dog's head, "hey, minnie. you know, your daddy sure is a tease." he said as he stood up.

   "oh, am i now?" jungkook froze, not daring to turn around. taehyung stepped down the last step and stood in front of jungkook. "i knew i was a flirt, but never a tease."

   jungkook fake coughed into his arm and excused himself to go into the kitchen for a glass of water. he quickly grabbed a glass, filling it up with water from the faucet of the sink.

   he gulped it all down with ease, taehyung made him feel dehydrated, if that was even possible. he set the glass down in the sink and walked back into the living room, seeing taehyung laying on the couch with his phone in hand.

   he quietly tiptoed to the front door, trying to not let taehyung see him. minnie sat up and started barking, taehyung looking up from his phone to see what the commotion was about. he smirked and put his phone on the table by the couch.

   "and where, jeon, might you be off to?" jungkook looked anywhere but at taehyung.

   "just going to apply for the job. i won't be long." jungkook opened the front door, stepping outside and closing it behind himself. he made his way to his car and sat inside, putting the key in the ignition and starting it up.

   his phone buzzed in his pocket, signalling that someone was calling him. he pulled it out and looked at the 'unknown number' screen. he hit answer anyway. he always answers unknown calls, just incase one of his friends gets a new number.


   "you better hurry home quick, little bunny."

//Taekook// Oneshots (HIATUS)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ