Stranger in my home

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Rapunzel trudged tiredly down the street. Her eyes were red from crying, her face was puffy, her feet were sore and she was hungry. Her black wedged shoes were in her hands, she had nowhere to go, her parent's house were too far to walk that and the fact that she was completely lost, merida was out of town and she left her phone in Eugene's house and she didn't have a house of her own, she moved in with Eugene after he proposed ten months ago. She saw headlights of a car approaching, she didn't move...couldn't move and she didn't know why, the car stopped abruptly meters away from her.
The driver came out, it was so dark, she couldn't see the face.

"Are you crazy?!" The voice scolded, her head pounded and before long, she blacked out.


Jack sighed as he took off his earphones, he loved listening to music when stressed out. He checked his watch 10:23pm, his only relief was that Thiana had offered to pick emma from school and watch her till he got back home. He saved his work on his laptop and shut it down, he packed up and locked his office.

He went down to the parking lot, he looked up and saw that the stars had replaced the moon, they lighted the sky beautifully. There was one star that shined brighter than other stars, he smiled. He always believed that that bright star was Elsa, watching him and Emma after she passed away. He blew a kiss to the star.

"I love you" he whispered and got into his car then drove off quickly so that he could get home because he was really tired and he didn't want to fall asleep while driving, he checked his watch 10:49pm, he smiled. He looked up and his headlights showed a woman on the road, he hit the brakes quickly and sighed, then he frowned and got out of the car.

"Are you crazy?!" He shouted, the woman looked dirty but not insane, all of a sudden she fell unconscious, he caught her in shock.

"No no no" he hissed, why would this happen to him now? He couldn't just leave her here, his conscience would haunt him for the rest of his life...Jack sighed once again and lifted her, then he opened the car door and put her gently on the passengers seat, he went to the driver's side and drove off, hoping that the hospital would be open and not empty.


Jack ran a hand through his hair and laid back on the chair, he was just relieved that the hospital was open and not empty. He checked his watch again, it was 11:56pm, he sighed just then the doctor came out and he told him to come to his office.

"Sir, you're wife here is-"
"Oh no no, she's not my wife" jack corrected, the doctor looked puzzled and somewhat suspicious. Jack noticed and didn't want to get into any kind of trouble.

"She's a friend" he said and smiled, the doctor's face relaxed a bit.

"So, your friend is suffering from depression, dehydration and low sugar level. Her feet are also sore because she has been probably walking a very long distance barefoot. So advise that you don't allow her walk too much and make sure she gets enough sleep, water and food okay"

"Alright thank you doctor"

"Alright then, since its so late, I won't charge you" the doctor said and smiled, Jack opened his mouth in shock.

"Really? Thanks so much oh and there any way she could you know...stay here because i-"

"I'm sorry sir but we can't do that at this hour, even though we could do something it would cost you a great lot because of the emergency basic amenities we'd have to acquire and the hospital-"

"Alright alright.. I'll...take her with me" jack sighed and stood up then shook the doctor and took rapunzel into his car once again and drove home. He grumbled silently... What would happen, he was as clueless as anything at that point. He knew nothing about this woman and feared she may be a criminal or something. Time had pass and he was home, he opened the door and gently carried rapunzel to his door, he heaved, she was sorta heavy.

He took his keys and opened his door gently, he saw Thiana sleeping on the couch and tiptoed upstairs to his room then exhaled out of exhaustion. He ran a hand through his hair again and looked at the woman on his bed. He took a cold shower, wore his pajamas and slept on the bed, far from the woman.

A/N: Done!! This chapter was actually really fun to write, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do. What happens after this? What will happen when rapunzel eventually wakes up? Will emma or Thiana find out?

Questions and questions all will be answered in the chapters to come, please vote, follow and comment, really important.

See you later peeps.

A New Beginning [Jackunzel fan fiction]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя