The Triangle

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"Eugene" she said with sheer anger in her voice. He sat up, while holding his arm and hissed in pain. Rapunzel felt bad for him and stretched her arms to help but held herself back. Eugene just smiled.

"I see you still care" he said, she huffed.
"Yeah right, not after what you did"
"Rapunzel I'm very sorry about what happened okay but you can't blame me, I'm a man and I have my wants and..."

"But cheating was never the answer!" She retorted
"You wanted us to wait I couldn't!"
"There were other options Eugene" she whispered and looked away, he widened his eyes and smirked.

"So you're dirty like this blondie I didn't know"

"Don't call me that"
"Anyways, I'm here now and I'm saying I'm really really very much sorry, please take me back" he begged still holding his sides and made to get down on his knees while hissing in pain. Rapunzel couldn't hold herself anymore. She helped him up and he took the initiative and pulled her close to kiss her.

Rapunzel wanted to kick his main part, she wanted to push him, she wanted what was happening to stop but she kinda just sunk into it and held him close. Then she heard a muffled gasp and soon pulled away and to her horror saw emma looking at them with surprise and satisfaction in her face.

"Emma I can..."

Emma smiled and just walked back into the kitchen, rapunzel face palmed herself and gave Eugene a very disappointed look.

"What? So the little girl saw it's not like..."
"It's not just about what she saw, it's what she's gonna do afterwards"
"What...tell her dad? So, I wanna take you back and I'm sure he won't mind..."

Rapunzel slapped him, he hissed.
"What the hell?!" He screamed, her eyes were tearing up now.
"You're always doing this!"
"Ruining my life whenever you come in it, I love another person okay! So just...go away!"

She screamed and went upstairs, Eugene felt very sober and bad and somewhat angry. He sat down with the look of pure shock on his face. Just then, jack came out and was shocked to see the man sitting up. He smiled.

"You're awake? Oh thank goodness, how are you feeling?" Jack asked. Eugene smiled.

"Much better thank you" he said and saw Emma by his side, she just put her hands behind her back and kept smiling a very evil like smile.
"This can't go well" he muttered to himself.


During dinner, Eugene, Rapunzel, Jack and Emma sat and ate in silence. It was very awkward for rapunzel because she just kept glancing at Emma and Eugene.

"Um Jack could you please pass the salt?" Rapunzel asked but suddenly both Eugene and Jack reached for it. They stared at each other, rapunzel just sighed while Emma smiled. Eugene took back his hand. Jack just snapped out of his confusion and handed rapunzel the salt.

"Rapunzel, could you please tell me how the food tastes?" Emma suddenly asked, the look on Eugene and her face was priceless, jack just looked at her.

"It's's good? Why'd you ask?"
"Just wanted to know since that's not the only thing you've tasted today" she said and smiled. No one has ever had a look of panic like the way rapunzel had on her face. Jack just frowned at emma.

"Now what do you mean young Lady?"

"Nothing dad" she said and smiled sweetly. Rapunzel couldn't eat thereafter and spent the whole dinner thinking and feeling very bad about what she did. Jack noticed and was very confused.

"Rapunzel? What's wrong?" He asked in a voice that made her very guilty, she felt the sudden urge to throw up and quickly excused herself. Eugene was worried and so was Jack.

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