Blast from the past

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"Wake up everybody!!!" Riley screamed in the hallway, everyone groaned from their beds. Rapunzel was still sound asleep. Riley saw that no one was coming out, she frowned and went to Emma's room first.

"Wake up sweetie, get dressed because it's time to go jogging okay? Come on" Riley said and Emma groaned.

"Alright Aunt Riley" She said and slugged from her bed to the bathroom, Riley smiled and made her way to their room, she knocked first when no one answered, she barged in.

"Hey everyone! Wake up wake up, big bro and rapunzel!!" She screamed.

"Okay okay just shut up and get out we'll be right there" Jack yelled from under the covers. Riley smiled and whispered 'five minutes' then went out.


They were all exhausted but happy to be back from their jogging, they all didn't even wait to freshen up, they just laid on their beds and slept for at least an hour or two. Rapunzel was the first to wake up and to a sweet aroma coming from downstairs too.

"Wow Riley" She said once she entered the kitchen.
"I know, thanks, I like to be a little homely you know" she said with a very feminine voice, rapunzel was surprised.

" sound different"
Riley just giggled, rapunzel now raised an eyebrow and then it hit her.

"Oh I get it... Do you have a special guest coming over?"
"She's really amazing and we've been seeing each other for a while so I thought this morning would be a great time her"

Rapunzel smiled "Aww, no wonder you're all excited, when's she coming?"
"In about an hour, please go wake the others up so they can meet her...and also have breakfast"

"Sure" Rapunzel winked and went upstairs. After waking everyone up and them getting ready in 45 minutes, they all ate breakfast as they waited. Emma looked at Riley.
"So, tell us about her? Is she cool like you Aunt Riley?"
"She's more or less like me, we have things in common but she's more feminine"

"And how long have you two been together?" Jack asked.
"Oh it's just been ten months but she's been begging to meet you guys so that's why I was happy when y'all came"

Rapunzel smiled "Well I'm sure she's delightful"
"Oh she really is and also she kinda looks a lot like...."

The doorbell rang, interrupting Riley. Riley smiled.
"She's here, okay everyone, come on" she said and they all hurriedly drank water and got off their seats and headed to the door. Standing at least 7 meters from the door, Riley opened it to reveal a very beautiful, smiling young lady with big blue eyes and platinum blonde hair.

"Everyone, meet Ellen, my girlfriend"

Everyone smiled at her as she smiled back, Jack just stayed there...Frozen. He took a long hard look at her and there was no denying it. He recalled what Riley was about to say.

"Oh she really is and also she kinda looks a lot like..."

"Elsa" Jack muttered.

Soon the woman approached him, her hand out.
"Hi I'm Ellen it's so nice to meet you" She said, Jack just stared at her, soon it all came flooding back, the memories, the times they spent together. He didn't believe in reincarnation but his wife...his dead wife was standing right in front of him.

"Um...are you okay?" She asked.
Riley sighed "Big bro can for a minute?"

Jack came back to reality and looked at Riley "Huh? Uh...sure" he said and she dragged him away gently.

"Riley I didn't -"
"I know I know, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't find the right time. Look when we started dating, it didn't really bother me that she looked like Elsa and I didn't do any of this to hurt you or remind you of your past"

"I know" Jack sighed.
"But Jack...take a good hard look at her, does she totally remind you of Elsa?"

Jack looked at the smiling blonde that was playing with Emma. He then noticed it...she had a bit of brown roots, and she was a little tanned.

"Oh" Jack said.
"You see, there's only so little different but it's there and I figured you wouldn't be upset if you saw them"

"I'm's fine, sorry for being so weird"
"It's okay big bro, there are second chances so go for it"

She said and pushed him towards the door where they were, Ellen looked him again. Jack gulped.

"Um...Hi, sorry about earlier"
"It's fine, nice to meet you Jack"
She said his name like Elsa used to do, her voice a sweet mix of seduction and cheerfulness, he smiled.

Riley smiled "So babe, we were just having breakfast, wanna join us"
Ellen smiled nervously "Sorry, I know I said I'd join you but I already ate, how about we all go out instead, so your family can get to know me and I'll get to know them"

"Oh that's great idea babe, alright everyone, go get ready, I give y'all fifteen minutes!"

They all went upstairs, Ellen looked at Riley.
"Do you always act like their mother?"
"Come on...I know I may be a little commanding but it helps them stay coordinated"

Ellen raised an eyebrow, Riley smiled nervously. "Okay sorry"

Later that day~~~~

Ellen stood in front of all of them. "Alright y'all, I used to be a tourist guide so...I'm gonna take you all on a tour today... As we get to bond and know each other, is that okay?"

"Sure that sounds great" Rapunzel said
"But wait, why'd ya stop being a tourist guide?" Emma asked
"I found a better job"
"Doing what?" Emma asked, Jack frowned at her, she put her head down.

"It's okay" Ellen laughed "I'm a doctor now, an anatomist actually. You see, I did study anatomy in school but all I could find as a job was a tourist guide until I applied to like 10 hospitals and finally got a job's been great, been there for about two years"

"Yeah" Riley started "That's where we kinda met"

"Ohh, I'd love to hear that story" Rapunzel said.

"You see, I was in a cycling accident and while I was rushed to the hospital, I saw her on my way to the ER. It was love at first sight but you know I thought she was straight and that made me a bit depressed and sad for some time" Riley said

"Until..." Ellen continued "I was told to do an X-ray, it was when I came to talk to her about it that she made a move" Ellen giggled "I'll never forget her blabbing, she was all like...look I know you're probably not gonna be into me but I think you're really beautiful and hope we can be friends"

They all smiled.

"I thought it was cute and gave her my number that day" Ellen finished as they kissed each other. Emma giggled.

"Eww guys, what about our tour?"

Ellen smiled and picked her up " Alright let's go"

Jack was shocked "I'm surprised you can pick her up so easily"
"Well I'm surprised too, she just feels so nice to hold, as though she were a child of mine" Ellen said and led them towards the car.

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