A party with memories 2

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A/N: Before I begin, I wanna thank y'all for your patience, it's been tough for me lately ever since my school resumed so I've been off Watt pad for a while but I really hope y'all enjoyed my last chapter and thanks also for the 1k views I really appreciate 🤗. So on with the chapter.

Rapunzel jerked up when she felt the car stop slowly, wiping her eyes and face with her hand she got up and opened the door and got down. The hall seemed full with relatives and rapunzel felt her stomach turn a bit. Luckily Jack offered a hand and a smile.

"Don't be nervous okay, let's go in" he said. She took his hand and went in along with Emma. Not all eyes but most were generally on them, rapunzel especially, she gulped and scanned the hall for the bathroom but her eyes kept seeing decorations, drinks, food and a lot of Elsa's pictures.

What a beautiful lady she was, rapunzel now saw the resemblance and she suddenly was hit with realization upon the strange things that had happened all the while she was in their house. Jack calling her Elsa, Emma referencing her cooking to that of her late mother's and all. Rapunzel suddenly felt a tear well up in her left eye, she didn't know why but she felt sad, if she had been somehow unknowingly been a constant reminder of their past then she shouldn't have probably stayed.

"Excuse me? are you Rapunzel?" A voice asked, rapunzel turned back and saw a brown headed young lady with green eyes and freckles, she smiled a little.

"Yes, and you must be Anna"
"Oh it's so nice to see you, Jack has told me about you but he never said you were so pretty"

"Thank you"
"It means so much that you came, even though you just joined the family"

Rapunzel squirmed a little, she wasn't even engaged to Jack yet and somehow his relatives already considered her family

"Are you uncomfortable?"
"Um...no I actually..."
"It's okay, I understand. Let me introduce you to some of our relatives so that you don't feel out of place" Anna said and took her by the hand gently, rapunzel then wondered why Jack couldn't do this instead, she'd feel much more comfortable. She barely knows Anna and meeting other people with her might be really good or really bad. The first person Anna took her to was a dark haired woman that she'd never seen before, she had a small waist, a plain face with bright blue eyes.

"Rapunzel this is Mal, she's Jack's mom and the mother in law of the Elsa, bless her soul" Anna said

"Ah Rapunzel, well North has certainly said something about you, you're quite pretty"

"Um thank you, you look..gorgeous" Rapunzel said sounding very insincere.

"Thank you Darling, Anna dear is there some where someone can get fresh air?"

"Um...over there" Anna pointed and Mal smiled and went towards that direction. Mal smiled and walked away, Rapunzel felt her heart beat a little normal than before, she realized she had been terrified this whole time, she was relieved, Mal was a bit scary though.
Her eyes frantically searched for the bathroom but Anna took her by the hand and started introducing her to everyone. Rapunzel was a bit nervous but she realized that other than Mal, no one else was scary and they were all friendly and so she felt at home a little.

Soon the speakers went off, everyone's attention was drawn to the Podium, it was Jack with a mic. He smiled nervously.

"Thank you everyone for coming to Elsa's third memorial service, I apologize for coming late. So without further ado let's begin" he said and nodded to the pianist and the going woman started playing. He got off the podium and soon everyone was making a line of five. Rapunzel was confused for a moment and Anna had left her, she just followed the crowd and was in the third line. She noticed that Jack, Emma, Anna, Mal, North were on one line, the first line and everyone one else was on another line. She felt bad, she wanted to join them but she knew she never knew Elsa. Soon the pianist soon stopped what she was playing then Jack went to the Podium again.

He cleared his throat and brought out a paper and turned to face Elsa's picture that was surrounded by flowers and candles. He began to speak, rapunzel suddenly became teary eyed. She didn't know Jack loved Elsa so much, be spoke with so much love and passion for the deceased young woman that rapunzel suddenly didn't even know why he loved her, she sounded amazing from what he said.

"...and Elsa, even though you're far away in heaven, I'll never forget our memories and all you were and are to me. I love you Mrs Frost" he said with a smile, he knew how she liked being called that. He turned back and wiped his tears before heading down. Emma was next, she stood so nervously as she fidgeted with the mic and faced her mom. She put the mic close to speak but choked all she could do was look at the picture and then burst into uncontrollable tears, Jack and Anna went to console her.

"You can't be gone...this can't be real... Mooommm" was all she seemed to say amidst tears and sniffs. Jack sighed and carried her away, rapunzel stood already crying so bad.

"Yeah I know" someone beside her said, she looked at the young woman with blonde hair in braids. "It gets everyone, it's so sad how she misses her mom so much"

"Y..yeah" rapunzel croaked out
"I'm Astrid, I was Elsa's highschool friend, we got in touch five years back but just when I was getting closer to her and even wanted her to be my maid of honor...she...passed away" Astrid said, already choking.

The atmosphere was just sad, Rapunzel had noticed that Jack and Emma weren't back and three people had gone already. She made to find them, after searching room after room in the hall, she stumbled upon Emma under the stairs sobbing, then it hit her that Jack hadn't come back cause he was looking for Emma.

Rapunzel sighed and sat down beside the sobbing eight year old. Emma didn't notice her for a moment before she looked up and almost hit her head in shock.

"Oh I'm sorry" rapunzel apologized
"What are you...doing here?" Emma sniffed
"I...don't know, looking for you I guess"
"Oh...did Dad send you?"
"Oh no he didn't" she said and there was silence, Rapunzel was at loss, she knew consoling the poor girl would do no good but she couldn't stand that she as crying so much, it hurt her. She sighed and said the first thing that came to mind.

"I'm sorry"
Emma looked at her "Wha...why?" She sniffed
"Being here made me realize a lot...how much I sorta reminded you of your mom, how I made you feel like I was gonna replace someone so special, how I made you feel like I was stealing your dad and his attention" Rapunzel started crying and put her head down.

"Emma...I'm sorry, I didn't know your mom was such an amazing special person, I'm really sorry. I promise not to make you feel like your losing everyone in your life because I know how that feels" Rapunzel was sniffing "I just love you and Jack so much even more than I thought I would when I met you and him....it's okay if you hate me or...I don't know wanna get rid of me but I'm sorry...I just am"

Emma stared at Rapunzel for a long time, a bit confused and empathetic. She realized in that moment that Rapunzel wasn't bad at all, before she had seen several women come and pretend to love her and try to replace her mom and she hated them all, it was a good thing her dad didn't think of remarrying of dating at the time. Emma frowned sadly and made to hug Rapunzel. Rapunzel raised her head in surprise, she smiled and hugged her back, both crying.

"I'm sorry too" Emma whispered.

At that moment, they both held each other in tears and new found friendship and love for each other. Rapunzel was glad that moment that she came to the memorial.

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