The Visit

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"Are we there yet?!" Emma asked and jack sighed.

"No... For the twenty seventh time"

Rapunzel giggled and so did Emma, the ride was a quiet but comfortable one,  Rapunzel brought her window down and allowed the wind caress her face and hair while her mind reflected back to the good times of her life. Jack kept his eyes on the road and on her as well, she seemed so lost,  he felt bad for her.  It's not everyday that someone can just easily let go of a past that they've attached themselves to, he could tell.

"So Rapunzel um... Where do come from?"

"Oh, I'm from Minnesota"

"Really, I visited Minnesota one time"

"Yeah and what did you think of it?"

"Oh it's...nice"
"Just nice, it's an incredible place okay"

Jack chuckled "Sure"
Rapunzel punched his arm
"Ow what was that for?"

Rapunzel chuckled "Nothing, you sounded sarcastic so..."

Jack sighed and smiled, he couldn't help but notice how she sounded like Elsa so much and she looked like her too in that dress. Jack sighed again, he shouldn't get attached and start thinking of the past again just because she reminded him of it. Minutes passed and they were soon at Grandpa North's house, Jack came out and helped Rapunzel out because her feet were still sore and his driveway was a long one but they stopped at the gate.  Emma ran towards the house with excitement while jack and Rapunzel walked slowly.

"Thanks" she said and all he did was smile. Emma rang the door bell several times and grandpa north came out and hugged Emma,  she ran inside after that.  He saw jack and Rapunzel and smiled.

"Hey dad" jack said
"Jack!" North said and pulled jack into a hug, Jack smiled and patted his back.

"And you mind telling me who this is?"

"Oh dad, this is Rapunzel...I'll explain later let's go inside I'm hungry"

Time skip---

They all sat down at the dinning room, eating quietly but jack felt like his dad kept looking at Rapunzel and didn't know why. Jack and his dad didn't get along that well but they hardly argued either, their discussions were very straightforward like two business men.

"So... Jack you said you were gonna know about her"

Jack sighed "Really dad outta the blue just like that?" he muttered

"I can explain" Emma spoke up
"Emma you weren't-"
"Rapunzel is someone my dad kinda saved, so he said that she's gonna stay with us till she can 'settle herself' whatever that means"

"Emma you weren't asked!"
"Grandpa can I have dessert now?"

"Sure dear, I think there's cake in the refrigerator"

Emma gasped and ran to the kitchen. Now there was awkward silence, Jack sighed and had that 'where did i go wrong as a dad' face,  North studied him and dropped his fork on his plate and shifted his chair back a bit.

"Jack, a word please"

Jack and North went to a corner away from the dinning room and the kitchen.

"Son, I thought you were better than this"

"Dad I know that the situation may look like what you're thinking but it's not okay, Rapunzel is someone that can be trusted...i think"

"Jack, she..."

"Dad, look it's only for a while okay and besides she's been through a tough time in her life I mean... Just look at her, she has a sore leg, low sugar level and...a broken heart, Her fiance cheated on her and she ran away so tell me why I shouldn't have helped her dad"

North was silent for a while, he looked at Rapunzel. She looked naive and innocent and.... North smiled.

"Alright son, you're old enough to know what's right to do"

"Thanks dad"
"But if I must say... She does look beautiful"

Jack looked at her and smiled "Yeah I know"

"You like her son?" North smirked
"What! No dad how can you say that, it's only been like...a day since I met her"

"True love doesn't work with time jack"

"Jack, Elsa was a good woman but it's been three years...don't you think it's time"

Jack sighed "Dad, let it happen when it's supposed to okay?"

"Alright but if it's her, I won't object"

"Sorry let's go"

They soon went back to the dinning room and everyone had dessert and settled in the living room to do karaoke. Everyone except Rapunzel sang and when she was persuaded to, she stunned everyone with her voice. Eight hours passed and it was time to go home, North sent them off with some snacks (mostly for Emma).

The car ride was a bit slow because of traffic, Emma was already asleep.

"I...uh... I love your voice" jack said
"Thanks, I like yours too"
"Yeah right, I sounded like a dying squirrel admit it"

Rapunzel laughed "No, you were actually kinda good"
"Yeah but you were amazing"

That slipped out form his mouth unexpectedly and he wanted to sink in the car seat, Rapunzel just smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Thanks.... You have a nice family"
"Oh yeah"
"If you don't mind me asking... What about...your mom?"

Jack sighed sadly, Rapunzel wanted to slap herself out of embarrassment.

"I'm sorry i-"
"it's see, according to my dad, him and my mom had a fight before I was born and they agreed that  after I was born then, they would file for a divorce"

"Oh...i can't say I know what it's like but....I'm still so sorry"

"Well, growing without a mom is like missing what you never had you know"

Rapunzel just nodded, then leaned in to hug him,  he widened his eyes.

"Um...what are you doing?"
"You know you need it"
"But I'm driving"

Jack was still in a state of shock but he just smiled at her kind gesture "Thanks" he whispered, the ride was smooth sailing from there. Rapunzel eventually fell asleep on his body and Jack's only concern was how he was gonna take these women into the house without waking them up, this visit was certainly one of a kind.

A/N: Done and I hope you all loved the chapter as much I do 🤗, just wanted to put some pre-jackunzel moments in there 😜😍. Anyways, please don't forget to vote and comment and share...

Also, I've created a jackunzel drabble so please go check it out and thanks a lot, see you all in the next chapter 😋✌.

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