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"Wow Ryan this is super... fancy" I say looking around at the restaurant when I get into my seat

We just got to the restaurant and it looks very expensive

"I know. My aunts husbands family actually own it. I told her I wanted to have a great dinner for my great girlfriend and she was like why don't you just go to his. And so here we are"

"Oh wow. So are you actually accepting the fact that they're married now?"

Ryan's aunt and her boyfriend got married and it was a shock to everyone

Turns out she dated him for 5 years and never told anyone

And apparently they were engaged when me and Ryan were going to meet them

At the wedding, Ryan cried and it was the most adorable thing I've ever watched

His aunt invited my family and we obviously went

I mean it was a big change and big day for Ryan and I just had to see it

"Yeah I mean he's really nice to me and he actually calls me his son it's weird"

"Aw I think it's cute. Maybe one day they both will adopt you"

"I hope so"

"I can't wait for that day. You'll be so happy and I can't wait to see you like that"

"It will look normal to you cause when I'm with you I'm the happiest"

"You know I never know if you're just saying it to be cute or if you're serious"

"I'm always serious when I say it. It just so happens to be that I am super cute when I say it. I mean I'm always cute but I'm just even extra"

I laugh and grab his hand

"I completely agree"

"I love you Alyssa you know"

"Yes i know. You tell me literally all the time"

"Well I love you a ton so I just have to make sure you know. If you ever thought that I didn't I'd be upset and sad. Sometimes I think I love you more than you love me"

"See you're wrong. I just don't tell you 24/7 but trust me I love you so much more. Everything you tell me I think all the time. Did you know that recently I've been having dreams about us"


"Yup. They're all about us being married."

"Tell me more"

He leans his head on his hand and stares at me with the cutest smile ever

"Well we have three kids and I'm pregnant with our fourth. He's about to come out but we have no idea. My water suddenly breaks and the labor starts. I am in awful pain but you talk to me during the whole thing and I don't feel a thing. Then he comes out and you hold him. We let our other kids see him and they're in love. Then my brothers see and your aunt and her husband see and it's end with everyone together."

"Wow that sounds amazing. I can't wait till that happens"

"Me either"

"Our future is going to be perfect"

"Well with you everything is perfect"

"They're so cute" we hear from behind us I turn around and Daniels wiping his eyes

"Go away Daniel!"

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