Thirty Two

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July 6

"Kemoniii... heyyy mamasss" I cooed as I rubbed her tiny hand while she just sat there in kentrell's arms as he sat on the bed beside me.

After 16 long hours of labor and an hour of pushing, we finally had our babygirl and she was beyond beautiful. Of course she had to be kentrell's twin from head to toe, she even smiled like him

"Damn man" Kentrell said with a smile while he admired her "Shit don't even feel real"

"I swear it don't... And then to top it off, she ain't got none of my genes at all"

"I ain lyin" Kentrell agreed with a smile, not taking his eyes off of her one bit "I would say she got her hair from you but yo hair ain't this good"

I smacked my lips and frowned up my face at him, being that I was still hurting too much to move.

"You make me sick. I do have a good hair; let's not get on that bush on your head"

"I got good hair, fuck you mean?"

"Shittt" I muttered and reached for Kemoni but Kentrell turned away from me

"No. You ain touching my baby"

"Kentrell we ain't bout to do this right now. Give me my baby, you had her since they brought her out here"

"Yo hands clean?"

"Boy hand me my damn baby"

He laughed and shook his head

"You gone have to wait. We still bonding"

"Bonding how? She just sitting there"

"Shut up witcho broke up uterus" he responded while standing up and walked off with Kemoni

"Your child is the cause of my broken uterus"

Kentrell muttered something under his breath and went back to kissing on Kemoni.

"And stop kissing on my baby"

"I can kiss on MY daughter all I want"

Just as he replied, the door opened and my momma walked in with liyah and Elena behind her

"I hear y'all still fussing over the baby" my momma said with a laugh while she handed me the kfc box I asked her to get for me. I mugged Kentrell while opening it

"Yeah. He act like I can't hold a child that came from MY vagina"

"You held her for 9 months now it's my turn. Stop being selfish Noel" Kentrell told me and instead of replying I just started to eat my chicken because I was so hungry

"Hey aunties baby" liyah said in a baby voice while she walked up to Kentrell and played with Kemoni making him look at her some type of way

"Auntie hands better be clean and she touching on you like that"

"Nigga-" liyah started but quickly stopped and looked back at me. I just shook my head and continued to eat my food

"Chile he won't even let ME get her. And I'm the one that birth her big ass head"

"Yo momma" Kentrell mumbled and my momma slapped him upside the back of his head, making him laugh. Meanwhile I caught Elena sitting on the side of the bed looking at me weird

"The hell you looking at me for?"

"You must really be hungry"

I nodded and bit into the biscuit before speaking again

"Yeah. I ain't ate in 24 hours. I'm starving. I think that was one of the hardest parts of labor"

"The hardest part was not eating.. so that was worse than pushing?"

I nodded and my momma agreed

"She pushed with no problem. I was actually proud of her. I was expecting Noel to cry but instead it was Kentrell"

Everybody looked at Kentrell and I grinned while he smacked his lips

"Mind y'all business"

"Awe trell you cried?" Liyah asked him while laughing and he mugged her

"Shut up. I just had a lil tear in my eyes. Ain nun serious"

My momma pursed her lips together and crossed her arms

"He had tears in his eyes as soon as he saw Noel started to tear up while she was pushing"

"Chill outttt" he laughed "I ain used to seeing my baby hurt that bad and I ain like that"

I looked at him and smiled, beyond thankful for such a great boyfriend. The whole time I was in labor he was right there holding my hand. Even though he wanted to be childish at times and record me, he was still there. When it was time for me to start pushing, he was right there by my side watching while I continued to squeeze the life out of his hand and when Kemoni was out, he cut her umbilical cord and he's had her up under him since they gave her to us

"You crazy for even going natural. I would've made them put that epidural in so fast..." liyah said as the door opened. This time it was Derek, Dana and Kaleb

Derek carried a bag while Dana held my sleeping nephew

"Lay him right here" I told dana, realizing that she was struggling. I patted the space beside me and she laid him there before exasperating

"Where's my niece?"

I pointed to the other side of the room where Kentrell was hogging her and she rolled her eyes

Although it was annoying how Kentrell was being selfish with Kemoni, it was also cute at the same time. That way I know for a fact that my babygirl won't have to worry about nothing because her daddy got her forever

"Kentrell you really gone be selfish with Kemoni?" Elena asked and he nodded while my momma laughed

"Just give him till that first shitty diaper kick in"

"You right" he agreed and I shook my head while everybody else laughed

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