Arc Ch. 14

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The previously good mood had vanished as Emily made a simple suggestion to walk around a bit before the matches began. She quickly noticed how ever that things had taken an awkward turn and didn't understand why since everything up until this point had gone so smoothly.

From the very beginning Emily had done all she could to find out more about Tobias and his family to make her first impression a good one. Since she would be coming into their family rather than taking him into hers; something which her family wasn't opposed to seeing as she wasn't considered talented or desirable to them. Even so there were a few others like herself that made securing this good match a difficult task, thankfully she had a kind elder brother unlike the rest.

Her gaze easily followed their collective stare to a girl she'd taken note of when she had first approached. Standing neither too close nor far from the group, along with the soft white curls and light blue eyes while looking nothing like the rest of Tobias's siblings she had decisively  labeled the girl an outsider.  

Only this decision on her part seemed to be a bit too hasty before having properly looked into everything and understanding the situation properly.

Kira noticed that she had been skipped by the young woman during her greeting the rest of the family and didn't find it odd. In fact she would've found being greeted by this young woman to be even stranger since their paths originally never crossed.

"I am Kira Frost it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Emily...Rylan." She greeted the pair politely before turning her attention back to observing her surroundings.

The polite yet dismissive way the girl introduced herself rubbed Emily the wrong way making the pleasant smile on her face a bit more forced.

While Emily was in the middle of thinking about how she could salvage the situation a large wolf pack suddenly appeared lead by a woman in thick black furs. An air of madness surrounded her as small groups of two to three could be seen breaking from the main pack. Kira could already sense the upcoming bloodshed, glancing to the youngsters Jun and Hana she worried about them greatly getting caught up in the mayhem that would no doubt break out later.

Unable to explain properly herself Kira chose the next best solution to keep these cute little ones safe during this uncertain time. "Big Brother before we continue can we go and..." She hesitated as if thinking better of mentioning it. Wringing her little fingers together with a half downcast face full of grievance. Seeing this display neither Tobias nor Theodore could resist complying with her small request, since hearing their father constantly nag about keeping a proper eye on her. As it was very possible she might just run off while they weren't paying attention to run off.

Walking along the crowded street their rather large group had a few difficulties getting by some of the more narrowed and congested areas but didn't make bad time at all. The guards on duty waved them through as if already expecting them making the oldest two frown quite a bit.

Kira could already tell that neither one of the two was happy being waved through so she spoke up a bit. "Since sneaking off last time I learned my lesson and made a formal request to possibly come here today...was that wrong of me?" She asked the pair who seemed as if they would be talking about this with their father.

The pair softened their expressions as if understanding that she was having a hard time deciding to make her request at all.

Making good time in reaching the top both Jun and Hana had ran over to the edge for a better view of the pack below. They both began pointing different things going on down below while trying to one up the other till they started squabbling.

Tobias could only sigh at the sight thinking some things just never change while softly giving Emily and her brother Rylan an explanation as to why they were there.

Kira ignored Jun and Hana's bickering and naturally went about making an offering to the old weathered alter. Though outwardly she appeared to be seriously making the small offering in her hand she inwardly already made her move in keeping them from leaving.

The ancient tree she had pulled the Tear of Sorrow from suddenly changed as the remaining power that hadn't been drawn out now circulated within the tree creating a barrier. Doing so from afar left Kira slightly exhausted as a layer of sweat coated her forehead.

Before her silent moment was up both Jun and Hana who had been heated arguing about what was what suddenly cried out the word fire.

Kira didn't move as everyone else gathered up to take a proper look at what the two had seen. A few distant screams could also now be heard as well chilling both Tobias and Theodore to the bone at the sound.

Finished giving her offering Kira was in time to see Tobias and Theodore give a nod to the other in a tacit understanding before splitting up. Internally she shook her head knowing he would be unable to pass through the barrier. Edith who had originally been nearby returned after seeing what was going on came back. "What is going on?" She asked in a small voice as Jun and Hana huddled up near them showing uncertainty in their expressions.

"I am not sure either but Big brother will be sure to find out what is happening." She spoke in a low reassuring voice to her younger siblings while also trying to reassure herself as well.

Kira though kept to herself that Tobias might not be able to pass through the barrier and instead keeping quite while wondering which side would finally succeed.

Quickly young and old mixed into the crowds gathered along the single road to awaiting their Alpha's next order. Today their pack which had long suffered under the bloody rule of the Stonemason pack would finally come to an end as their own took up the rightful rule of the Stonemason Mountain while freed of the Gloomy Forest confines. From birth this thought was held deeply in place and over time many came to believe this as truth and never questioned it further. Only there were some who held wavering hearts as they watched their fellow pack members full of righteous fury integrate within the innocent members of the crowd. Though many wished to speak up against this though thought better of it after Alpha Jewel's last demonstration all held their tongues not wanting die such a painful death.

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