Arc One Ch. 19

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Kira watched as the previous tension quickly left her grandmother, leaving behind an old she-wolf that wouldn't concede a fight to an unproven youth. Feeling no need to be completely stubborn on this front she eased her gaze away allowing the deadlock to quickly end without bloodshed.

"The matter concerning your parents has most likely been fully buried by now." The full age of her could be felt by Kira in this instance.

Kira show a look of understanding. "I know grandmother but until I try and fail for myself I will always keep wondering. During this time I also haven't been idle and have done all I could have done to prepare myself. It also won't be my first time crossing the Black Lands." Hanae's eyes turned hard hearing her mention the place that had stood between her and her daughter.

"Even if you have crossed that place a thousand times and back it matters not in that hellish landscape even time it-self means nothing at all there." She said darkly while clutching onto an old wooden bracelet around her left wrist. Kira had seen the item before and had noticed that there was a name cleverly hidden within the carved design, Ai.

"That is why I am prepared to suffer any grievances that should befall me on this journey to find out what actually happened that year." Hearing one so young use such a serious yet somber tone had Hanae clutching a bit harder at the exquisite little wooden bracelet.

For a long time after this Hanae remained quiet unable to continue knowing that much like her daughter, Kira, this granddaughter of hers was shaping up to be too much like her Karin. Even if she did manage to keep her from leaving this time what about in another five or ten years. It was futile yet she couldn't help but to try and continue protecting her family.

Kira noticed her grandmother beginning to waver on her decision and decided to speak up one last time. "Grandmother..." Her voice came out softer this time resembling the girl's age as she spoke a bit more timidly as if uncertain she should speak. "...I know that what I have done must remind you greatly of my mother. I actually meant to bring the subject up with you before you found out but I didn't know how to begin, so will you take a fair look at my skills and judge them before stopping me from leaving."

Hanae thought about that first time she spoke up before simply abandoning the girl to her son to raise. "What you have suggested sounds both fair and reasonable I don't see why not. It will happen within a week. You may go now, also Kira don't be late for dinner." Kira gave her a bright smile before bidding her farewell.

No longer facing the other Kira took a quick look at the beautiful carving of twelve wolves. She couldn't make out many details but the tapestry of colors used stood out in her mind the black, dark brown, a lighter reddish brown, shades of greys, light yellows and white. Before she walked back out into the hallway Kira was pretty sure those wolves were her children.

"Ah its Little Moon." Edith affectionately called out after nearly colliding with her.

"Edith." The tone she used was one that caused Edith to give a little chuckle knowing how much her little cousin hated being called like so, making her want to tease much too serious younger girl just a bit.

"You simply look too cute with that scrunch so I can't help it; I still have things to do so I will see you tomorrow during the breakfast rush." She said with a jovially atmosphere around her that in the next second vanished as she turned away to walk past her.

Using her more heightened sense of smell she caught a whiff of what Edith had been carrying and also became more serious as well. Their grandmother wasn't young anymore yet continued along as if she were still a young pup and judging by the scents she picked up most of what she had been carrying in were for minor aches and pains while others were for an immune boost it was the last scent though that caused her mood to so drastically shift. The scent belonged to a plant that could keep them from being able to take on the shape of the wolf. Many would try their best in avoiding taking it as the other side effects caused weakness and lack of appetite which were two extremely dangerous side effects no wolf would want to chance.

Kira finished off her day at the small arena; today slightly older kids had shown up after hearing their younger siblings had gotten their butt handed to them by her. Only in the ring would her more outgoing side be shown as she actively provoked others into fighting her.

While off to the side an elder ringmaster who was a former trainer could only sigh seeing the girl exert the perfect amount of strength to defeat her opponents without truly breaking them. Though she had acquired quite a few bruises in the process no one seemed to truly be paying her current condition. From the sound of her breathing this whole time he could tell it wasn't much of a warm up for her.

The mixed crowd though was calling out support for the current person fighting against her.

Kira held back a smile as the girl she was currently going up against did as she wanted and rushed in at the small opening that had been shown during the fight. Grabbing onto the girl's wrist tightly she used her momentum to flip her over in a beautiful arch before slamming a foot down onto her back.

The ringmaster called an end to the fight while finding inspiration from the way Kira fought.

"Alight it's time for me to go if you still have the guts to face me come back tomorrow same time." The ringmaster shook his head slightly at how the Little Moon went about manipulating the youths that wanted to seriously improve their combat skills.

After taking on the title of Little Moon, Kira had noticed that many more wolves were coming from all around not only to visit the pack and trade but to give offering to the moon at their pack's alter. Something which had been properly redesigned four years ago after protecting those that escaped towards it. What hadn't been view as important for a long time and had been placed as a secondary importance to every day matters that needed to be solved. This made things quiet difficult for her as well since most who'd came seeking her advice were far older than herself. Now if it had been anyone but herself things could have quickly gone horribly wrong making the tasks at hand even harder to accomplish.

Since she was currently alone walking home more wolves came over to give their greetings. As to not be late she had long taken this fact into account as she gave everyone she encountered a brief moment of her time.

Arriving home Kira found she felt more drained than when dealing with that dark entity who'd become self-aware. The smell of food brought her slightly back to life as she stomach growled.

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