System One

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To System-One it felt as if the fighting ended before it could even really begin. The last time its Host so ruthlessly revoked its gambling access involved a hundred year war that nearly went and collapsed the plane of existence. The boredom ate away at its programing as just out of its reach were those roulette wheels calling its name.

Rolling around on the floor uncaring of its image System-One gave a childish whine. ''s so boring being stuck here with nothing to do.' Though realistically knowing that it's Host would not be looking at any of its messages, System-One didn't give up trying to wheedle the Host out of one game.

Paying no real attention to its surrounds System-One smacked hard into a wall though it felt no pain it stilled cried about scratching the surface of its beautiful iridescent body. Sniffing through the mental anguish it caused to itself System-One could just imagine its Host admonishing it instead of giving a few words of comfort.

From its body a pair of small arm like protrusions came out as it began hitting the ground while complaining to no one about the injustices it suffered underneath its Host.

While crying a river of tears that would be gone in no time at all a sound caught System-One's attention. The soft sob was like a comrade in arms that must've been wronged by its horribly no good evil Host that seemed to have no heart at all, why else would she take away its games.

The monitoring system's screen must've turned on somehow after being smacked around by its uncaring attitude though System-One could care less about the how and more on why the other person was crying and what its Host had done to him that lift his face covered in a river of tears. Though couldn't denied being a bit excited when recognizing the young man shown on screen, System-One decided in that moment to watch him instead of its horribly boring Host.

Theodore knelt with a heavy heart in front of the carefully carved stone shrine dedicated to the Moon Goddess praying for peace. Though it wasn't what he truly wanted to be doing yet wasn't able to after singing out all his grief and hopes for all the dead to pass safely into the embrace of the Moon Goddess. There was a peace within him knew and accepted life's natural course, it was his heart though that fought against this ideal state of simply letting the one he loves go.

He ignored the slight painful throb of his heart while standing as he tried and failed to bid Sam one more final farewell.

Returning not to his cave where memories of happier times and small reminders still existed of the time they spent together but to his workshop. His eyes lingered around the large space full of half-finished creations and projects that were yet to be started and disregarded it all. Making his way over to the far corner where he found a bundle of furs which he halfheartedly laid out.

In the following weeks Theodore found his nights plagued by reoccurring nightmares though for him the dreams of happier times were worse as it meant waking up to reality and a world without Sam. The only place he found solace in other than visiting the shrine was in his work, carving stone into beautiful pieces of art. Most hours of the day were spent one the slow and tedious process he at one pointed enjoyed, while things like eating, bathing and sleeping all turned into much lower priorities.

"Brother." Tobias called out unable to believe the scraggly young man coated in a thick layer of dust was his younger brother Theodore. He couldn't understand what changed so drastically in these last few weeks to turn his brother into this barely functioning wolf.

"Tobias." He croaked out while allowing the slight madness in his eyes to recede.

Entering Theodore's work space Tobias felt breathless as the scent of his brother's sadness fully hit him. "Are you alright brother?" He couldn't help but ask while reaching only wanting to give Theodore a simply touch but found the young man pulling away from him.

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