The Past Haunts Me

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       ~*Disclaimer: I am not deaf, I've never been deaf. I don't believe that just because an author hasn't experienced something that they shouldn't write it although I do strongly believe that authors/writers should definitely do their research before writing anything they haven't experienced. A writer is telling a story, from a person's point of view whether it be fiction, non-fiction, romance, etc. That being said, don't comment anything hateful or start any fights. I do accept correction. I have done my research before even beginning to write this story. Thank you, enjoy the story!*~

~*Future author's note: this story needs quite a bit of editing on the plot and writing...I'm sorry for plot holes or cringey synonyms and sentences. I wrote this story super fast. I'll get around to editing it eventually...probably not anytime soon. Feel free to point out mistakes!*~

Future future author update (2024): I had pretty much abandoned this account until recently, but I've started up some of my older stories and edited a little bit here and there. This story, on the other hand, I feel is more work to edit than its worth. It was in an era of my writing where I struggled with description and used a horrible thesaurus platform. This story will remain up until I've finished my other story, and then its being taken down. I feel that this story is not an accurate representation of my current writing. Enjoy it while it's up! 

(Five Years Ago)

      I had always thought of myself as an optimistic person in general. There wasn't anything to be unoptimistic about in my life, I had a loving mother who had an irritating tendency to coddle me, my best friend was well...the best a young girl could ask for and my big brother, although sometimes bothersome, was funny and outgoing. It made up for both of us since I'd never been that way. Even if I sometimes aspired to be.

      Our little family was everything I needed in life. 

      Although our family had always been absent of our father, we still made do perfectly. No one ever knew him, we never had a desire too. Mom had always avoided the topic and stumbled around her words to change the subject the one time I'd asked in third grade after we'd made father's day crafts. 

      "Ellery Grace! Allie! You two have been up there entirely too long! Get down here and eat your lunch before it gets too cold! I'm not heating it up again," My mom, Diana, shouted. That was the third time she'd yelled for us to come down but we'd been occupied with makeup and girl gossip the better half of the day. Allie was always begging to put on my play make-up, only because her mom had something against it. 

      "We should go, my mom's beans and rice are the best," I mumbled. Allie and I attempted to wipe away the glittery eye shadows and opaque lipsticks, using wipes and some spit but even afterward we looked like we just stepped outside in the pouring rain and caused our makeup to dribble down our thirteen-year-old faces. I supposed my mother would be expecting such things from us. Even if we tried to hide it. 

      "Yeah, maybe we can go to the mall later," Allie suggested brightly. She stroked the ruffles on her auburn dress and slumped further into her chair, groaning softly. 

      I shrugged my shoulders. 

      "I don't know, it's getting late. My mom doesn't like driving in the dark." Allie grumbled something and tossed the makeup wipe splashed in color into the silver trash bin beside my bed. She flashed me a silly smile, lipstick caked her teeth and smeared over her gums. I shattered into a fit of laughing and shoved Allie teasingly. "What?" she demanded. "Nothing, let's go to dinner." 

      "What is it? Seriously Els."

      "You have lipstick all over your teeth."I laughed out. Allie drew her brows and rubbed her teeth with her fingers. She sucked in her bottom lip and grimaced at me "Well you have eyeshadow in your nose," Allie grumbled. I grabbed a tissue and rubbed at my nose but nothing came away. "Liar." 

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