(02)-James Robert Miller

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-J a m e s-

      "Have fun, baby. Make a lot of friends and get good grades!" My mother, Irene, screeched with her head hanging out the window while driving in reverse completely too fast. Her long blonde hair flew in the wind and spread over her face as the car's tired screeched against the pavement. 

      "Okay! Don't forget to pick up Jade and Jude at five! Don't drive like a maniac!" I yelled back. She nodded and honked once before speeding off down the road. Sometimes my mother forgot to pick up my three-year-old sisters Jade and Jude from daycare after work. Then I'd have to pick them up because my mother was too exhausted to drive all the way back. Mostly since I was the only other driver in the house.

      Since I spent all last year away from school caring for my grandpa who was in critical condition, I wasn't equipped to graduate, neither was I allowed to. 

      Now I was nineteen and finally finishing up my last year. I didn't regret taking off the year, I got to spend the last year of his life sitting beside him and hearing old stories he enjoyed signing with his shaky hands. He died in his sleep months ago, he made me guarantee I'd go back to school and graduate at some point in my life. Even if I was forty-eight with five kids. Although, I had made the wise decision of resuming the semester after his death. 

      I made a quick turn after watching my mom zoom off. She often made me worried about her unpredictable driving. 

      I turned back and crashed smack into a young girl with a full dark head of black silky curls. My hands fumbled but they weren't fast enough to reach her. She plummeted and crash-landed within an inch of the pavement. Her hands just barely keeping her adrift, shaking in astonishment. The breakfast taco she'd been nibbling off of splattered mere feet away in a heap of colorful clumps. Sauce spilled out onto the sidewalk.

      A strangled grunt left her lips.

     "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to knock you over!" I apologized. My hands enclosed around her frail arms. Her head of bouncy curls bobbed as I heaved her up in one swift motion. She weighed very little under my arms. Her eyes were frantic and roaming over her for any injuries I'd caused.
"Sorrypardonme." The words tumbled from my throat. Her eyes barely flickered to my lips. 
Her eyes...I couldn't help but gaze at them. They were striking, a light pale blue like the sky on a sunny day. 

      "What's your name?" I asked softly.

      Crystal eyes abruptly shoved me away, her grip was vice compared to her petite form. I jumped forward to grab her shoulder in a truce, saying, "Look I'm sorry about your tac-" but she struck me off again and shoved me away furiously. Her eyes flickered to mine once more. She hauled her little black backpack over her shoulder and teetered away, her curls bouncing and a frown drawing her face. 

      Guilt swirled in my churning gut. "Wait! I'm really sorry!" 

      She didn't turn or even appear as she'd heard me. I sprinted after her, realizing I was going to churn with guilt all day if I didn't make it right before periods. I was a horrible liar and a horrible cover person. Hitching my backpack higher, I burst into the school. The cold AC brushed my face in a soft breeze and blew my dark brown hair from my face. 

      Chatter and turbulent noises rang my ears. Teens were slumped against lockers and some were lip-locked, other girls putting on make-up and painting nails. Circles of teen girls huddled around lockers whispering and probably gossiping about other girls. I looked over at crystal eyes.

      Her eyes seemed stunned, she was gaping around in shock. My eyes flickered to her chest, her breathing was quick. Crystal eyes must have been new here, I'd never seen her around. The many perks of living in a secluded town were that you knew everyone, I mean everyone. There were no strangers. Except for her...seemingly. I'd ask around.

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