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-J a m e s-

      Sarah laid her arm over my chest and mumbled something under her breath. I attempted to shove her away without being too vigorous but she was planted there. I knew all of this need for attention was because of her own insecurities but I needed it to stop. I was done feeling bad for her all these weeks. "Sarah get off. We aren't dating!" 

      "C'mon Jamie. I love you," she told softly, wobbling her lower lip. Her lips brushed my cheek just as the bus doors fluttered open. I took my arms and peeled hers away but she was relentless and insufferable. "Sarah, please. I don't want to shove you off but I will if I have to." 

      My eyes connected with those of crystal pale blue. I dropped my mouth open as Ellery dashed on and peered at me dejectedly. No, no, no, no. Since when did Ellery take the bus in the mornings? She usually rode with her brother. Before I could even contemplate about signing something of an explanation she had already sat down next to Hazel Grey. 

      "What? Is she prettier than me? I saw her asleep on your couch yesterday." My eyes clasped to hers. I shouldered her off and drifted as far as possible away from her. "Did you drive by my house and look through my window?" She shook her head.
"No, I drove by but your window was already opened..." 

      "Stop, Sarah. We aren't dating! I wish I never had and to answer your question yes, Ellery is prettier than you and she's less of a brat!" I snapped thoughtlessly. Sarah gazed at me for a moment before shaking her lower lip and curling up mournfully. "Why would you say something like that? I cherished every minute we dated. I loved you but you didn't return the feeling!" 

      "Sarah, please. I didn't mean to say that but I can't stand this. I did love you, for a little while maybe but we broke up. I've moved on, you should find someone who can be with you and love you. Not me. So stop coming by my house, stop texting me from different numbers and stop trying to make Ellery jealous." 

      Sarah's tears dried up rapidly. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth savagely. I watched as she stood up and staggered out of the seat and into the wobbling bus's hall. I placed a hand on my head as Ellery gazed back at us sorrowfully. I attempted to sign something but she had already turned away. The rest of the ride she didn't so much as flicker her eyes at me.

      Something was wrong with Ellery...and it had nothing to do with me and Sarah. She hadn't signed a single word during lunch and had acted like she hadn't cared when I had explained the Sarah situation. Her eyes were drooping and her face looked...low. Like something was heavily pressing on her. A weight that was heavier than reality and I had no idea what it was. 

      After school, I found her outside slumped against a tree facing the road. Her curls were ruffled and tangled on the bark. Her knees were pressed tightly against her chest and she awaited the bus to drive by. The wind fluttered her hair and she flapped her eyes, spotting me trudging towards her.

      I stumbled over and slumped next to her. 

      Hey, are you okay? You didn't eat anything and you didn't sign much during lunch. You looked sad. Is something wrong? She pressed her lips closely together, contemplating if she trusted me enough with the information she sought to reveal. 

      My brother is dating someone who hurt me in the past. They both lied to me and the girl, Jenna, apologized for what she'd done in the past but it was all fake. All of it was set up so they could reveal their romantic relationship. So now I feel a heavyweight like...she didn't mean anything she'd said to me. She blamed me for something and it hurt so bad. 

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