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Keith POV

"Hey Keith, what's wrong?" Matt asked as we walked down the hallways of Elemental Campus. I shrugged.

"Did someone find their human?" Lotor spoke teasingly.

"NO." I snapped.

"Then what's wrong?" Matt asked.

"I don't know. I saw that boy sitting alone. I went to go talk to him, and when I left I felt some weird connection...but not like OH LOOK IM YOUR ELEMENT GEESH LETS GO MAKE A FREINDSHIP OOOOHHHH MMMMYYYY GOOOSSSSHHHH I HAVE A HUMAN NOW I HAVE TO CALL HIM MASTER AND SIR AND ALL THAT FANCY JUNK....it wasn't like that. It was different."

"May since you're a dark if feels different than if you were, let's say, a wind." Lotor smiled.

"I don't know, guys. May I'm just not meant to have a partner." I walked off to my campus dorm.

I opened my door and went straight to my bed. I plopped down and stuck my head in my pillow. My dog, Cosmo, came running into the room. "Ugh, not now, Cosmo." I grumbled. I heard a knock on my door.

"Wha-um, Pidge?"

"Hey can I talk to you?" She asked already walking into my door.

"Um, sure. What do you want to talk about?" I sat on the couch, Pidge on the other side.

"Well, I was with Hunk, my human. And he mentioned his best friend who's name was Lance McClain, and that he was Cuban. That got me thinking what if he was-"

"Pidge, That is only a folk tale. It's not real."

"But what if it was. And you don't have to be the only-"

"PIDGE! It's not real. I've looked for hundreds of years and I have never, ever seen one! It's not real."

"That's what people said about you!" She got up and left. She slammed the door and I heard her feet stomp down the hallway.

What if Pidge was right? What if this is the LM in the legion? What if I just met the person of my lifetimes and left? What if Pidge was right and I just lost everything?

Lance POV

I felt weird. I had a stomach ache and a head ache. I wasn't eating or drinking or even doing anything.

"Hey buddy? You okay in there?" Hunk knocked on my door.

"Come in." I grumbled.

"Hey, pal. I brought you some food." He set them on a table and sat on the bed. "Look, I know you're sad."

"Hunk! I'm not just said! I have to wait another five years for my element...you have yours. I don't expect you to understand." I cried.

"Lance, buddy. I know I don't understand but you have to get over it-OH MY GOSH! LANCE!!"

"What?! Hunk what is it?!" Hunk got up and ran out of the room. What the heck?

I got up and walked to my mirror. "Hunk! Shiro!" I yelled. "Shiro! I need you!" Shiro came running into the room. "What is it, Lan- What the heck?"

"Shiro, what's happening?" I asked. He stood there in the doorway with Hunk. He was on the phone with someone.

"Lance, calm down." Shiro patted my on the shoulder.

"Shiro, I am calm."

"Calm down!"

"Shiro I am calm!"

"Calm down!!"

"I AM CALM!!!"

Pidge walked into the room, Hunk had called her. When she saw me she screamed. "I knew it! I knew it!!"

"Pidge, please tell me what is happening." I said.

"Lance, you're a light. Omg you're a light. You're a light." Pidge jumped around the room. Pidge motioned for me to stand.

I stood up and spun around. Showing off my new three white tails and my fluffy white ears. "Open your mouth." I opened my mouth and Pidge stuck her hand in.

"Gosh, you even have fangs." She jumped in glee. "Lance, you're on in a million."

"Okay, sure." I said as I looked at my new features in the mirror.

"Lance, the last light was when the Vikings found Canada. That was 500 years before America was found."

I looked at her with wide eyes.

"What are you saying?"

"Lance, you have to find Keith." 

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