Best Friends Have each other

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Keith and Lance walked back to the camp. "Lance, I want to show you something." Keith said, grabbing Lance's hand and pulling him to his tent.

"This was someones I use to know. They were one of the bravest people, and family. I want you to have this...for the battle." Keith opened a chest.

Inside the chest was the most beautiful bow, quiver and arrows Lance had ever seen. Each tip of an arrow seemed to electrocute energy.

Keith pulled the bow out and handed it to Lance. Lance pulled the sting back. It seemed to adjust to him, like it was talking to him.

"There is armor and things in the box." Keith said. "I want to see you wear it. You know, something to remember you by. The warrior you are."

Lance smiled. He took the armor and went behind a curtain to change.

"Wow, it fits." Keith said as Lance walked to him. He wore a blue, gray and black outfit. A blue cape draped from his back and his armor was a shinny white.

"It's really actually quiet nimble." Lance did a small jumping jack to show.

"I have one like it." Keith said, "I'll show you."

Keith disappeared through the curtains. Minutes later he came out wearing his armor. Lance smiled. Red really looked good on Keith.

"I took me awhile to get use to the straps under the legs..." Keith pulled a strap. "But they're not that bad anymore."

Keith's armor was like Lance's. He had a red cape, white armor and black pieces here and there. Keith's weapon was a sword. But not any sword.

His sword flamed with blue lights, and the edge was cut into painful curves and grooves that if you were unlucky enough that sword would pull your stomach out along with your life.

"Keith, you look good." Lance said. Keith smiled at the simple saying.

"I would say the same to you." Keith smiled, but his smile was short lived.

"What's wrong?" Lance asked, seeing the change of mood in his friend's face.

"Is it weird that I'm scared?" Keith asked. He sat down next to Lance. "Cou-could you hug me?" He asked. Lance nodded and Keith snuggled into his arms.

"I don't want to die." He said. "I'm scared to die, again." Keith had started to cry.

"Shh, Shh. You'll be fine." Lance told him, though he didn't know if he was saying it to Keith or to himself.

"I-I want to be y-your friend, Lance. I want to watch you g-grow and have a family, and just be there f-for you." Keith's tears were now like a rain storm.

"Keith, look at me." Keith looked up at Lance, who had told him to look.

"I don't want you to think about what you don't get to do. I want you to think about the things you have done. The things we have done together."

Keith nodded.

"I want you to say them out loud, Keith. I want to hear you remember."

"I remember when I first met you. You were all alone in the gym after the elements had gotten their partners. I had come to check on the cleaning and saw you looking sad. We talked and when I left I felt like there was something special about you."

"What about the time when we found out I was a light?" Lance asked.

"Oh, yeah." Keith sniffed. "Pidge had come running into my room screaming. When I saw you I was so shocked I couldn't even talk. I had searched my whole life for a light, and turns out you were right there." Keith seemed to be getting happier. "I told you my story and you were willing to help me." Keith paused for a moment. "Lance, I can't replay you."

"You don't have too, Keith. You being with me is enough." Lance smiled.

"You're the best friend I have ever had." Keith smiled.

It was a real smile. Not the kind he gave to the royals who visited him when he was young. Not the kind he gave the generals that came to help. It was real.

This was real. 


Their armor is the picture above. 

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