He's gone

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There was a legend and/or a story that the folks in olden days would say...

A dark will search his life to find the one to end him.

In the moment of heat, he who is wise will be wiser and he who is weak will be stronger.

It will fly and vanquish the evil, but it will not save his world.

The world will die in his hands...

They do make a good team.

The battle will die...and so will he.

But the rattle of the noise will be nothing compared to the heat...

Of that who is weeping

But does not know what his tears keep.

Light will bring life.

Darkness will bring death.

But a single tear

A single kiss shed for the passed

Will lighten the dark with life.

{~~~} author note {~~~}


{~~~} end author note {~~~}

Lance world had fallen to piece. He saved the universe but he didn't save his world. His life would never be complete without Keith in it.

Lance cradled the lifeless body of the dark element. His ears pinned back to his head and all his tails lay flat on the ground.

Lance cried into the crook of Keith's neck. He still smelled like wild flowers and wood. Lance looked at Keith's pale face.

He pulled out the small wooden rose.

"You gave this to me for a reason. I want to give it back to you...you deserve it more than me."

Lance wrapped Keith's hand over the flower.

"You didn't die in vain. You died a hero. A true hero."

Lance wiped some tears off his face. His armor was wet for tears and his hand was stained with blood. Lance picked Keith up bridal style and placed him on his horse. Lance mounted the horse and slowly rode off to where everyone was.

He had never seen so many sad faces in his life. He had never experienced this kind of hurt before. General Matt helped him down and placed Keith on the ground with a white cloth under him.

"Did he go...like a hero?" Leader Jackson, who's name was really Perseus, asked.

"Like a true hero." Lance smiled weakly.

Lance knelt down next to his friend's body. He placed a hand on his cheek, and brushed his thumb over some blood that had dried on his face.

"You'll be remembered." He bent down and placed a small kiss on Keith's forehead. A small tear fell onto Keith's closed eyes.

Lance pulled back, and helped Praetor Grace carry Keith to his tent. Cosmo had come back, but slowly started to fade. He stayed in the tent when he arrived, and when Lance and Praetor Grace carried Keith in the dog didn't move.

They placed him on a small bed like thing. "We will leave, and prepare so we can give him the burial of a king." Praetor Grace stepped out of the tent.

Lance gazed upon his dead friend. He was once so full of life. His purple eyes closed forever. That small and joyful smile that only a few number of people could make him use.

Lance took a deep breath, and started to sing.

I was dreaming once a upon a time

It felt like I was wishing on a dime

Never knew how much hurt hurt

But when it all happened...

The world went spinning in a whirlwind

I went swimming in despair

The sun drowned

and the world seemed to frown

I went wishing on a star

I think I went a little to far

Hurt hit my like brick

And the clock ticked with a click

The world went spinning in a whirlwind

I went swimming in despair

The moon went down

and the sun came out

But no light for my doubt

Only sorrow.

Lance closed his eyes and cried. He remembered the first time he met Keith. The time when he was so happy to get an element but never got one. Keith had opened up and then he turned into a light.

Lance was so confused and Keith helped him understand his new life. They went on this adventure, knowing it could take one of them, but they kept going.

They fought through the Castle of Doom, they ate food together but mostly they cried together.

They had gotten so close, all to be taken in a single moment.

Lance buried his face into his knees.

"Keith, I need you." 

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