His Story

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{~~~} 700 years ago {~~~}

{~~~} year 1319 {~~~}

The scream echoed through the halls of the castle. Servants rushed around hoping to be of some use. This was the biggest moment of the kingdom's life. The king and queen would be parents.

A wave a screams hit the halls again, sending chills down the spines of the ones who heard it. They weren't dying screams, but one of life. Then everything went quiet.

The sound of a wailing baby filled the ears of the on waiting kingdom. The baby was born.

"My queen, it's a boy." The servent handed the queen her child. "And he's a dark."

The queen took her new child in her hands and looked at him. He had beautiful pale skin and a head full of black hair, that was sure to be curly when dried. He had two big fluffy cat-like ears that were almost too big for his own head. Three short black tails wrapped around him in an effort to get warm. "He's beautiful." The queen said, smiling down at her baby boy.

The king burst through the doors. "Is it here?!" He asked. The queen nodded and the king walked over to her side. "It's a boy? It's a boy!" The king looked at his son with pure joy. He had an heir. Someone to teach the old ways to. Someone he can teach to be a man, and how to treat a lady like she should be treated. Someone to take the kingdom when he was gone.

"Keith." The Queen said. "His name is Keith Samuel Kogane."

"I like it." The king said as he smiled and kissed his wife. This was the best day of his life.

{~~~} 7 years later {~~~}

"Hurry up, Shiro! You're so slow!"

"Your majesty, please get down before you hurt yourself."

"How am I gonna hurt myself? Uh, Shiro. I have three, three tails. I can't fal-" Keith fell from the tree and landed on his rump.

"I won't say I told you, but I told you." Shiro helped the young prince off the ground. "You are too reckless for your own good."

"Gosh, you're so much like my dad. But much more chilled out. More space. Ha. You're my space dad." Shiro rolled his eyes at the new comment name the prince gave him.

{~~~} 10 years later {~~~}

"We will fight till the end! No matter what happens this day, we will not go down!! We fight till we're all gone!!"

The arrows flew, and the horse charged into the front line. Swords clashed together and arrows came crashing down. "Keith, to your right!" Kolivan shouted. The prince spun his horse around just in time to knock a shot out of his way. "Thanks!" He called back. He speed the horse through the enemy territory. The captain was a few yards away.

A hole. In the ground. The horse fell and flew its rider into the enemy line. The prince got up, and drew his sword. Several enemy soldier were surrounding him. "Fight me! I dare you!" Then his sword clashed with the one he least expected.


"Hello, young prince. I see you have taken your father's place in this war."

"I will take you down."

"Oh, that would be great. But just like your father, you will go down."

Their swords clashed with anger. Dodging blows and doing cool flips. Keith's sword hit Zarkon in the thigh making him wince in pain but it wasn't enough. The emperor growled and brought his sword to the prince's legs. Keith jumped the sword and hit Zarkon in the knee. The emperor fell to the ground.

"Emperor Zarkon, let this day be with you forever." Keith stepped closer to Zarkon, a smirk placed across his lips. He was going to end this war. He was going to finish was his father couldn't, but never got to end. He brought his sword to Zarkon's neck. "Let this day bring you pain. For this day is the day you. Will. Die."

The sword drove through the body. Pure pain running through his veins. The armies stopped. Everything was still. A scream echoed across the land.


The prince looked down at the sword that ran right through his body. Blood ran down his legs. "Die. Prince Kogane." Zarkon thrusted the sword through him. Keith screaming in pain as his body was breaking.

Zarkon walked away. Leaving the prince. Blood filled the land. "Keith, Keith." Shiro ran as fast as he could.

First his knees buckled. He hit the ground with a thunk. He looked to the sky. "I failed you, father. I failed."

Then the world went white. The sun sank in the sky. He took one last shaky breath...and then all was quiet.


Shiro carried the limp body to the castle. Servants cried as they saw their beloved prince in his arms unmoving and lifeless. Shiro placed him on his bed.

The queen came in. Tears stains on her face. Her son died. Her reason to live was gone.


Two black horses pulled him down the Main Street of the kingdom. Black flowers traced his body as he lay silently.

He was dressed in black cloth, his favorite color. In his hand he held a white rose, a rose he kept with him for all his life. It wasn't a real rose, it was a wooden rose someone had carved for him from a tree when they were younger.

People lined the streets as the kingdom's future rolled by motionless. A young peasant girl went running up to the casket. "Prince Keith, please come back." She said. Her mother dragged her away, but Shiro took the girl's hand and let her walk with the soldiers.

They slowly set the casket in a boat with black sails. "Here lies Prince Keith Samuel Kogane, heir to the throne of Alzarak. He died trying to finish what his father couldn't, and in the attempt put his life on the line. We will remember this day, not as a sad day, but as a happy occasion. One where our beloved Prince Keith will sail to the afterlife and be with his father once again." Shiro lit a torch, and handed it to the queen.

"My son, oh how I will miss you." Then the boat when up in flames. Soldiers pushed it out to sea and as the bright light left the dock the world grew silent.

The last known dark was gone. Forever. 

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