His Story/The Mission

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{~~~} modern day {~~~}

"Wait, so let me get this straight...you're dead?" Lance asked confused.

"Was dead." Keith corrected. "I died."

"But he's alive now!" Pidge interrupted the conversation.

"Yeah, What Pidge said." Keith smiled.

"How is that possible?"

"I haven't finished the story." Keith scolded.

"Okay, Okay. Continue..." Lance made a gesture with his hand.

{~~~} 500 years ago. 200 years after Keith died {~~~}

"Im telling you, this place is haunted."

"Oh come on, Axca. Are you scared?"

"No, I'm just very cautious. You realize that a prince died right over there." Axca pointed to a spot of brown dead grass. It was surrounded by black roses and a silver and purple sword stuck out of the ground.

"That's just a folk tale. And plus he's been died for years." Veronica stepped closer. "I bet if you even stood on it, nothing would happen." Veronica took a step closer.

There was a loud rumble from the earth. She hesitated, but then continued.

"Vero! Vero! Don't do it!" But it was too late. Veronica foot cross the line. She then reached her hand out...

Clouds circled the sword. Dark bone chilling clouds. Veronica was inclosed in them. A voice boomed from somewhere inside. "I will finish what I started." Then the cloud disappeared.

"Veronica!" Axca cried. She ran to her friend's help. "What have you done?"

"I-I saw him. I saw our prince, Vero. I saw Prince Keith."


The sky was dark. Nothing stirred, not even a mouse. The only thing that walked the stress was an old dog, that had seen better days.

The houses were shut and the stores were closed, and for a good reason. A green smoke filled the village. The young girls had run back home when a clouds disappeared and the voice spoke.

A distant howl from a wolf echoed in the streets. A torch blew out as a gust of wind whipped down the alleyways. Footsteps. One two three four. And repeat.

The wolf howled again.

Everyone was silent.

"Well hello there." He reaches his hand out for the dog to sniff. The old mutt sniffed him and instantly took a liking to him. He put his hands on the dog...

The old mutt on the street became a young handsome wolf dog. Black fur with bright blue strips and glowing yellow eyes. He had white spots on him, and a beautiful pattern.

"I'll name you Cosmo." The dog barked.

"Now Cosmo, you have a big job. You are my soul. You die, I die. Keep me safe, will you?" The dog barked as if it understood. "Now, we must find where I am."

He came to the gate of the village. "Alzarak. It can't be. I'm home." He ran down the streets. Everything changed. Where the old horse stable use to be there was bar. Where he used to play with his friend in a field was now a church.

He came to a closed gate. There was a stone with words on it.

Home of the Last Dark know to man.

"Home." Keith looked up to the ruins of his old home. The castle walls were worn down and the towers had crumbled. The golden lining of the gate was gone and the brass entrance was a rusty green.

Cosmo barked. Keith sighed. He turned to go find a place to stay. He walked down several streets till he came to a small place with a single light in the window.

He knocked.

A young boy, about his age (17) opened the door. "I'm sorry but we are not op-" he stopped.

"I'm sorry to intrude. But my dog and I just need a place to stay." The boy nodded and let Keith in.

He made Keith a bed and one for Cosmo. He grabbed him some food and some water. "Thank you, um..."

"McClain. But you can call me Lance."

"Thank you, Lance. I am grateful for your hospitality." Keith smiled at the boy. Lance nodded and left the room. But before he left, he turned around.

"I'm glad you're back, Prince Keith."

Keith had a restless night. His mind kept flashing words.

Only one can help you. You will never be free till you find a light.

"But lights don't exist." Keith threw a brick across the room.

"Yes they do. Do not test me boy. You will have a second try at life and if you want to succeed, you will find a light. And when you do, you can finally stop him." Hanerva yelled at Keith.

"I'm dead. I can't possibly go back. Even if I did, I don't think I could find one." Keith ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Don't ever doubt yourself, young prince. You were the greatest thing that happened to his world, and you will be again."

"But how will I know that's it's a light?"


Then everything went black.

He needed to find that light. And so he left. He searched for years.

He went to America.

He served in the Revolutionary War. The Civil War.

Both world wars.


But nothing.

Then he found Elemental Campus. They took him. This was the place where everyone came once every year to find their element. This place was his best shot.

He stepped out onto the stage. The crowd silent. "Um, hi." He said. Then they erupted. He scanned the crowd. Top right. His eyes lingered on a young boy. Tan skin, and blue shirt.

He sat down next to him.

He left, and felt a shock go through his boy. Was this him?

"Well, I was with Hunk, my human. And he mentioned his best friend who's name was Lance McClain, and that he was Cuban. That got me thinking what if he was-"

Keith got his hopes up. If she wasn't lying, he could be done with his search. He could go back and finish everything.

The light walked through his door. Fluffy white ears, three white tails. It was a light. Right before his eyes.

Now, he had to go back. 

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