Bring Him Back

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skip lots of crying by Lance {~~~}

Lance looked up from his knees and saw Cosmo limping slowly to his side. "Hey, boy." He said. Cosmo whimpered and nudged Keith's hand that was hanging off the bed. "I know, I'll miss him too. He really loved you, bud." Lance patted the dog on its head. "How'd Keith Get you again?"

Lance thought. Cosmo had been a lost nut and he had helped him by putting his soul in him. He said that if he died, Cosmo would die too...but Cosmo isn't dead.

"Cosmo! You're a miracle!" Lance turned around to face Keith. "Keith, Keith wake up!" He shook the boy. "Keith...! Keith..."

Lance scanned Keith's face. His pale skin showed no sign of life, but he had to hope. He place his hands on Keith's face. "Come back."

He bent down, now forehead to forehead, and he thought about Keith. About how he was so shy sometimes, how when he smiled the whole world lit up, and how he took care of him on this adventure.

A small light was beginning to shine. Lance closed his eyes. He felt something rush through his veins. His fingers began to glow a light blue color, as pure energy raced through him.

A flash of light...

{~~~} in a place that looks like a black space {~~~}



"Lance?" Keith opened his eyes as he was met with darkness. He looked so round. Where was he? "Lance?" He called into the black abyss. "Lance, I'm over here!"

Keith looked around and saw a blue blob rushing towards him. "Lance?!"


Keith rushed towards his friend. They collapsed in a tight hug. "I knew you'd find me."

"I was so scared. I thought you were gone." Lance started to cry into Keith's shoulder.

"Lance, hows you get here?"

Lance looked up to Keith. His face was back to its normal color. His eyes were a bright purple and his hair was pulled back.

"I-I don't know. One minute I was calling your name, the next There was this light..."

"Lance, I'm so proud of you." Keith hugged Lance tighter. "You found me."

"How do we get out?" Lance asked. Keith shook his head, he didn't know. Lance thought. If he had gotten himself here, maybe...Keith could get them out.

"Keith, you'll have to use your powers."


"Do you trust me?" Lance stood up and stretched his hand out. Keith took it and stood.

"With all my heart."

Lance took Keith's hand. "Think about the one thing you love the most." He said as the both of them closed their eyes.







A slow burning light appeared in Lance's hand. It slowly started to swirl around the boys. It kept spinning and spinning, till they both were swallowed with lights.

"Lance..." Keith opened his eyes to see blue and white lights swirling around him and Lance. "It's beautiful." Keith opened the palm of his hand and a ball of darkness appeared. He closed his eyes and smiled.

Bring their hands together, two used their power to create the most beautiful mix of light and darkness.

A loud bang echoed through their ears and then everything was silent.

Keith opened his eyes..."Lance?!"

"Keith? Oh gosh, you're alive!" Lance grabbed Keith and pulled him into a hug. "You're not dead!" He cried.

"Ho-How did you do it?" Keith asked.

"I-I thought about much we been through...and how I always wanted to be there for you." Lance smiled down at the boy who was still on the bed.

A big blob of dog cake jumping over and drowned Keith in kisses. "I missed you too, big boy."

When Keith was fully rested the other generals came to see him. He thanked them for their service and told them he'd repay them.

{~~~} time skip a few days {~~~}

Keith and Lance walked in the valley. The camp was gone, the men were gone and the battle was over. Zarkon was dead, for good, and the world was saved.

Keith and Lance sat in the field of white flowers, the wind taking a soft motion. "What do we do when we get home?" Lance asked as he picked a small flower.

"I don't know. Maybe get a job...." Keith sighed. "Go to college...and actually finish it." He smiled.

"Shiro thinks you're dead." Lance said.

"Well, I'm not. Soo..." Keith stopped. "We'll see."

"I had fun. I mean, even when it seemed like we would die. I still had fun."

"Me too."

Keith and Lance both sighed. The valley was so peaceful without the roar of a battle.

Their peaceful moment was interrupted with a black poof!


"Hello, people." The young boy was here, again. "I see you have...." he stopped. "Won?!" He asked. Keith nodded.

"I guess you want I ride home, than?"

Keith and Lance looked at each other. "Yeah." Keith and Lance stood as Cosmo the dog somehow knew where they were.

"Take my hand." The boy said. Keith and Lance didn't even hesitate. Within seconds the world around them seemed to bend. 

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