She's a Monster/Lets YEET.

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Keith woke up with soft snoring in his ear. Lance was still clinging to his shirt and his ears were fluffed.

Keith looked at his best friend and sighed. He had to go to the bathroom. Like he really had to go pee.

He slowly took his shirt off because Lance's nails were dug into it. He slid out of bed and fight when he thought he was free...Boom!

Keith looked over his shoulder to see his three tails entangled with Lance's. "Ugh." said Keith. He slowly pulled at one of his tails. It unraveled from Lance's. "Great, two more to go." Keith rolled his eyes.

He had one more left to go when he touched Lance's tail and the light element woke.

Lance rubbed his eyes, and looked at Keith and smiled. His hair was mess and his ears were fluffier than before. "Morning." He said.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Keith smiled.

"Nope...Nope. You're fine. I was just waking up anyway." Lance stretched out on the bed. Then he noticed his tail tangled with Keith's. "Um..." he blushed and then pulled his tail back.

Keith chuckled and then left to go pee. When he came back, Lance was already dressed, and was ready for breakfast.

"Were we tangled the whole night?" Lance asked as he and Keith walked down the hall.

"Um...I think just our tails were. I don't know." Keith rubbed the back of his neck. His black tails swishing back and forth. Lance's were doing the same.

"We should eat breakfast and then head out." Keith suggested. They both still had Zarkon to defeat. Lance nodded and as they turned the corner.

She stood there. Tall, thin, and evil.

Keith's worst nightmare.

She stood there. Long black hair, tall skinny legs and stunning tan skin.

"Keith, What is it?" Lance asked. Keith backed up, tripping over his tails. "Keith?"

"Sh-she's there, Lance." Keith pointed to the lady.

"Keith, She is not real." Lance shook Keith's shoulders. He glanced over to where Keith was pointing but to his surprise, she was really there. Lance could see Keith's nightmare.

The lady stepped closer to Keith. "Hello, Keith. It's nice to see you again." She said.

"I thought you were dead." Keith mumbled.

"Dead? Sweetheart, no. I'm not are!" Her hands lit on fire and she too a step closer.

Keith went for his sword, then realizing that he left it in his room. The lady kept walked closer and closer. Keith glanced at Lance. (Hey, that rhymes) Lance looked around for something. His knife. He threw the knife towards Keith, but it stopped mid air.

Keith lunged forward, the lady stretched out her hand and Keith froze in him air.

She grabbed Keith by the neck, him kicking and clawing at her hand. "You-will-die." Her hand began to glow a low yellow light.

"Keith!" Lance tried to hit the lady, but he couldn't get close. It was like a force was keeping him from helping Keith.

The lady's hand lit on fire and Keith screamed as the fire burned the skin on his neck. Tears began to roll down his face. The lady smiled, and then spoke, "Impure."

"Impure..." Lance heard her say.

"Only the pure can survive." The words of the young boy played in his head. Keith had something he was hiding...he wasn't being pure.

Elements: Darkness and Light.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora