With Royal Sincerity

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back with Keith and Lance {~~~}

The boy had grabbed their hands. Before they knew it, the world was bending before their eyes. A wave of nausea hitting both of the elements.

The world stopped bending and Keith, Lance and the boy stood still. Before them stood a valley. This valley was covered in white flowers, contrasting with the dark maroon ground and the black sky. The trees had blue leaves and swayed in the wind.

Keith was take aback. He had never seen something so beautiful in his enter life. He'd seen lots of things, but nothing this beautiful. Lance must have thought that same thing, cause his mouth was wide open.

"Close your mouth. You'll catch flys." The boy said, as he started to walk towards the valley.

"What are we-" Lance started, but the boy spoke before he could finish.

"This is gonna be camp, for the army." The boy smiled.

Keith notice that the bag under the boy's eyes were less dark. His skin was less pale and had a slight tan.

"There is not army, here!" Keith said pointing to the open valley.

"Not yet." The boy said.

They now stood in the middle of the valley. White flowers surrounded their feet. The boy snapped his fingers and all of a sudden he held a pen and paper. He handed the paper to Keith. "Write."

This is Prince Keith Kogane, of Alzarak, fighter of Zarkon. I call upon your armies to help aid me in a battle of lifetimes. We face a great threat, one that if not stopped with destroy all of creation.

Send armies, supplies, and aids.

Royal sincerity, KK

Keith handed the boy the paper. He rolled the page up and then threw it into the shadows. The paper disappeared in thin air.

"Now what?" Lance asked. The boy smiled.

"We make camp." He tapped his foot. The ground rumbled from under them. Tents, camp supplies, weapons, horses, and living barracks appeared from nowhere.

The boy smiled. "I can no longer help. Go bye, and good luck." He vanished into the shadows, like the paper.

Keith and Lance glanced at the each other. They had a camp, armies on their way, and everything they needed to defeat Zarkon...but Zarkon himself.

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