The Long Walk/ The Gate of Hell

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{~~~} time skip brought to you by dating Matt Holt {~~~}

They had been walking for hours. On some occasions Keith having to carry Lance for a few miles. They stopped at somewhere random to eat some food.

"So, Keith, have you ever dated someone?" Lance asked, the question that had been lingering in his head for awhile.

Keith looked at the boy and said, "No. I have never dated someone. But I did like someone when I was younger." Keith took a bite of the sandwich.

"Who was it?" Lance asked. Keith's eyes widened. He had never told anyone this, not even Shiro.

"Um, they were someone I knew from my childhood. We would sit under a fur tree ever day and just talk for hours, or till I had training or something royal. When I turned ten, they made me a wooden flower from a branch from the fur tree. They were my best friend. Then I turned 13, and I started to have feelings for them. I never told them...cause I started to do more 'royal' things. I then entered the military and then I died. Well, after several years." Keith looked down at the ground. Lance felt sorry for him. He never got the chance to tell them how he felt...because he died.

"I'm sorry I asked." Lance said. Keith raised an eyebrow.

"Don't be sorry. It was nothing. I-I'm just emotional." Keith said, as he took the last bite of his sandwich.

Lance smiled. "Well. Okay."

"Have you ever liked someone?" Keith asked, a smirk on his face.

Lance's face heated up. Yeah, he did like someone. But he was sure they didn't like him back. "Y-Yeah." He mumbled. Keith smiled.

"Who?" He asked, letting his curiosity take him.

"No one." Lance relied trying to hid the blush that was now on his face.

"No one is someone. Who?" The prince pestered Lance.

"I don't want to talk about it." Lance stuffed his face in his hands.

"Okay." Keith said, a little disappointed that Lance didn't tell him.

They packed up and headed out. It must have been about 10 hours till Lance dropped to his knees. Keith decided they needed rest and so they made camp.

Camp consisted of two sleeping bags, one for each boy. Keith made a fire with some wood he had and Lance made some food. He knew how to cook since he had a big family.

Keith and Lance day in silence as they ate their dinner, till Keith cleared his throat. "Look, I'm sorry about earlier. I-I just was curious."

"Doesn't matter, now. They don't like me anyway." Lance said.

"How do you know that?" Keith asked, moving closer to the light element.

"They don't really know that much about me. I kinda just like-maybe, just met them." Lance's face was a shade redder. Keith looked at Lance.

"You're blushing." He said. Lance his his head in his knees.

"No I'm not. Stop it." Lance mumbled.

Keith smiled and brought his friend into a hug.

"Wha-what are you doing?" Lance asked.

"I'm hugging you. You looked like you needed one." Keith said. Lance huffed Keith back. The warmth of the fire was nothing compared to how warm Lance thought Keith was.

Lance buried his face into Keith hair. He took a deep breath. It smelt of blackberries and wild woods.

Keith let go of the hug and went to his sleeping bag. "Welp, I'm going to bed." Ha said.

"Night." Lance said as he put some things into a bag.

Lance heard the zipper on Keith's bag zip, and then a few minutes later he heard small snores coming from the dark prince.

He sat and watched Keith sleep. He seemed like a different person. As his memories came flooding back to him, he remembered meeting Keith. He remembered helping him find his way out of the kingdom. He told him that he would help him find what he was looking for.

Later he joined the army. He was known as LM, or Lancer McMash. He died in combat, front line, went to the underworld for years. He couldn't remember what happened in the underworld, but he remembered someone grabbing his hand and leading him to a gate.

Then that was it. He was back, to the real world.

Keith woke up next to Lance. The boy must have been cold last night because he was in his sleeping bag cuddled next to Keith. He chuckled at the dog like person next to him.

Lance's mouth was open just a bit and every other second he would more his arm or leg like he was trying to hold something or run.

Keith got up and started to pack his things. Lance woke up not too long after. "Morning..." He said.

"Morning, Lance. You get a good night sleep?" Keith asked the younger boy. Lance nodded and stood up, stretching.

They ate breakfast and head down the long road. The scenery hadn't changed since they left Hanerva. It was long tunnel, some jewels and rats bones here and there. There were stringed lights on the ceiling, but they had seen better days.

Lance was tired of the same old thing. Dirt, dirt and more dirt. Occasionally there would be a human skeleton of some dead person that tired to come out of the underworld.

"Ugh." Lance said.

"What?" Keith looked back at his partner.

"I'm bored." Lance ran to be next to Keith.

"I can't help with that." Keith said.

"Okay, Hans over your phone." Lance gestured with his hand.



Keith handed Lance his phone. Lance was not bored anymore, as he scrolled through Keith's things, photos, games and recently searched.

They walked for hours till they came to a stop. "This is it." The dark prince said. The light looked up from the phone.

A large gate about the size of the St. Louis Arch, stood before them. It had large golden handles, and golden engravings. The engraving were of souls being taken to the after life, some trying to escape, but Death blocking them.

Two red torches stood at the sides of the gate. Gold and silver vines hung from the top. All in all it was a beautiful gate. Beautifully painful to look at...just like death.

Keith took out a key. A small gold and silver key. He walked up to the door...

Lance watched.

The gate opened. Keith looked back at Lance. Lance smiled. Here they the underworld.

The two boys grabbed their stuff. "Here we go." Said Lance. "To the underworld." And with that the dark prince and the light stepped foot into unknown territory. The one place nobody escaped. 

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