Long Night

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Keith POV

I was sleeping. It was 2 in the morning when someone started to bang on my door. I told Cosmo to get it since he can open doors. There was some talking and then some running and before I could wake myself...I fell off the bed with a Pidge on top of me. "Pidge! What the h-"

"Keith...Keith! Keith!! Oh my Hunks baked cookies!! We found it!"

I sat up. "Found what?"

"A light." Pidge was grinning so big I thought that her face would fall off.

"A light? Really, Pidge? I though-"

Then he walked in. Fluffy white ears. Three long white tails, like mine. General features, and a twinkle in his eye.

"Oh Quiznak..." I stood up, and walked over to him. I circled around him. He was real. After seven hundred years looking and searching, he was finally here. "You're real." I said.

"I would hope so. I hope I'm real." His voice sounded so familiar...

"You're that guy I talked to at Element Campus meeting." I looked him in the eye. He nodded his head.

"Pidge told me I needed to talk to you."

I looked over to Pidge who was snickering on my bed, Cosmo on her lap. "You have some explaining to do, Keith."

We sat down in my small living room. Pidge was on the table in the middle, Lance on one side of the couch and I was on the other. "So, Keith start talking."

I took a deep breath. This was going to be a long night. 

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