The Castle

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"We need to stop." Keith said. He placed his bag on the ground and sat. His ears pinned back to his head because of how tired he was.

"Agreed." Lance flopped down next to his cat-like buddy. Then his tails started to wag like crazy.

"What are you doing?" Keith asked, his ears picking up.

"I smell people. Keith, this way!" And then the light went running at top speed. Keith grabbed their stuff and ran to catch up.

Before them loomed a huge castle made of silver, gold, a dark metal like substance. Diamonds pathed the walk way to a large maroon gate that sat open.

Wild waves rushed under the gate and castle, lapping over anything that stood in its way.

"Ho-how?" Keith was at a lost for words. The castle was beautiful.

"I don't know...but it has places to stay." Lance took a step.

A cloud of black dust appeared before them. "Who in Hades are you?" A person stood before them. He had shaggy black hair. Big deep brown eyes and pale skin. He wore a jacket with fur on the neck and skinny black jean with a black shirt that had a skull on it.

In his hand was a sword. A sword that looked a lot like Keith's but it was made of a different metal.

"Who are you?" He asked again. Keith stepped closer. "One more step, and I'll chop you into pieces." Keith backed up.

"I'm Keith and this is Lance. We wanted a place to stay for a few hours to rest."

The boy laughed.

"A place to stay. Here? Do you know what this place is?" The boy pointed to the castle behind him. "This is the Castle of Doom. It sees into your mind and finds your deepest darkest sins and fears and makes them reality. Only the pure at heart came make it one day. Let alone make it through the night." The boy looked at Lance, sending chills down his spine.

"Then why are you here?" Keith asked.

The boy chuckled.

"I'm not pure....I lost that years ago. I am the son of the Underworld. I have my ways." The boy's eyes flashed. Keith looked at his with his ears back. He didn't like this kid. He was smaller than them, but for some reason Keith and Lance both got the message, "don't mess with me."

"But...if you are that desperate, I'm sure they would allow you two to stay for awhile. But don't say I didn't warn you." The boy smiled.

It was a small, but bright smile. Like he didn't smile a lot, but when he did, it was a real treat. It was like only one person could make him smile, and that person was so special he would kill for them.

Keith eyed the boy. "Oh, and whatever you not think of home." And with that the boy disappeared into the shadows. Like quiet literally. He melted into the darkness and was gone.

"Um, well..." Lance looked to Keith.

"I don't like it was much as you, but we have a chance." Keith pulled Lance into the gate.

{~~~} time skip brought by Andrea having babies with Lance Lance Lance {~~~}

A young servant met them. She was beautiful. She had brown curly hair with light ends tied into a bun on he head. She had big green eyes that if you weren't carful you would drown in them. She stood about five feet and she had beautiful curves.

She wore a short black and gold dress, and had a side shoulder over the right. Two gold bracelets were on her wrists and she had one on her ankle.

Her pale skin made her eyes pop more then anything. All in all she looked like an angel to both the boys.

"Hello." She said. "May I help you?"

"Um, yeah...we would actually, like a place to stay the night." Keith stumbled over his words.

The girl's eyes lit at his words. "Oh, well come with me please."

She led them down a long hallway. Gold and silver curtain lined the windows. Diamond walls towered above, and beautiful pictures were placed on the wall.

Two guards opened a large door. The girl motioned for the two boys to step in. When they were in the door slammed closed.

"Your majesty, we have guests."

A large body moved. It was dressed in a long black rob with a silver belt. You could see it's face cause of a hood that covered it. A large voice boomed our over the room. "Thank you. Who are you?"

Keith looked at Lance. "I'm Prince Keith of Alzarak, and this is Lance."

The body moved. "Welcome young prince....and prince's boyfriend."

Keith's eyes widened.

"Sir, he's not my boyfriend." Keith's face went red.

"Hm." Was all the body said. "Show then their rooms." A pale hand waved a servant to Keith's and Lance's sides.

"Wait, we're not sharing a room?" Lance asked. He didn't like the idea of being alone in a castle that sees through you mind without Keith.

"Well, of course not. Your not boyfriend said you weren't his boyfriend. So you can't be together, simple." The body shifted in its seat.

Lance looked at Keith. He was almost curtain he could see Keith's brain thinking. His eyebrows were crossed and his ears were back. Two of his tails were wrapped around either thigh. The last one was tied to Lance's. Lance didn't know why...maybe some way of acting like boss?

"Sir, I'm sure it would delightful to have our own rooms. But in all due respect, I do not think Lance can take that. You see-"

"Nope, I have made my mind. Beth, Arizona, take them to their separate rooms." The body pronounced each word painfully slow.

Two teen girls walked up to the two boys. Arizona walked up to Keith. "Hello, handsome." She grabbed Keith's hand and pulled him to her side.

Beth took Lance in a snap. It was so fast, Keith hadn't even seen which direction they went.

This is gonna be bad. Keith thought to himself. 

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