I brake the forth wall

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{~~~} with Pidge {~~~}

"Hunk, u can't find him!" Pidge yelled into the phone. Her and Hunk were on the phone looking for Cosmo.

"You said he sneezed." Hunk said. "Where do you find a dog that disappears after it sneezes?"

"I guess you have a point." Pidge said. "I just don't want anything bad to happen to that little wolf."

{~~~} back to where we belong with Keith and Lance!!! {~~~}

Lance watched as Keith and Praetor Grace talked battle. The only thing going through Lance's mind was that the author finds Praetor Grace very attractive, along with her thinking Keith should date her. (It's true)

"What do you think, Lance?" Keith asked, snapping Lance from thinking about the author.

"Uh. What?" Was Lance's reply.

"If we had Praetor Grace send a spy to Zarkon."

"Oh, yeah. Okay, sounds good." Lance said.

Keith and Praetor Grace continues to talk.

"I was thinking-" Grace was cut short as a horn sounded from the hill.

Another army had come. Their leader was a none other than Matthew Holt.

"Matt?" Keith asked.

"Hello, my Prince." Matt bowed.

"You're a general?"

"Yes. I am. There is a lot about me that you do not know." Matt smiled. He looked over to see Praetor Grace. "Jason Grace, we met again." Matt said.

"Matthew." Jason's eyes narrowed. "We must inform General Matthew of our plans, Lord Kogane."

And with that, Prince Keith, Praetor Jason Grace and General Matthew Holt talked battle tactics all day, leaving Lance by himself.

{~~~} with Lance {~~~}

Lance walked around the camp watching people being not bored. He watched some soldiers put shoes on some horses. He watched some people polish armor. He ate some fruit...that he stole. All around he was bored. (Like the author)

A girl who was a little younger than Lance came to talk to him. She had brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. The conversation started like this...

"Is Keith your boyfriend?"


"Is he your ex boyfriend?"

"Why would he be my ex if I-"

"Is He your fiancé?"

"Why are you even askin-"


"OKAY! Stop, please." Lance slowed the girl down. "Keith and I are just friends. And that's final."

The girl smiled. "ABBY, get over here!" A young girl, the same age as Lance, appeared. She had brown curly hair and green eyes. She had pale-ish skin, but not like white skin. It had a hit of dark. "Pay up. They're not in a relationship."

The girl with brown curly hair rolled her green eyes. "Abbey, really?" Abbey rolled her eyes. The other Abby rolled her eyes.

Lance was so confused. He thought they were sisters but they looked nothing alike. One was taller by serval inch and the other was more muscular (Lance didn't want to get on her bad side.)

"Fine. Here's your 20." Abby handed the other Abbey the money. Then she turned to Lance, "KLANCE FOREVER!" And with that she yeeted out, Abbey following close behind.

"That was sooo weird." Lance said to himself. "They were kinda cute, though."

"I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" Abbey screamed from nowhere.

"YAY! SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND! I DONT! BUT I DONT LIKE YOU!! ANDREA MIGHT!!" Abby shouted from up in a tree, though Lance had no idea how she ended up in a tree.

Lance, even more confused, walked back to the tent that Keith, Praetor Jason Grace and General Matt Holt were talking. 

Elements: Darkness and Light.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat